Rebensky, Summer Carmody, Kendall Ficke, Cherrise Carroll, Meredith Bennett, Winston
Published in
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Human–agent teaming (HAT) is becoming more commonplace across industry, military, and consumer settings. Agents are becoming more advanced, more integrated, and more responsible for tasks previously assigned to humans. In addition, the dyadic human–agent teaming nature is evolving from a one–one pair to one–many, in which the human is working with ...
Riccio, Andrea (author)
This thesis describes the design journey that resulted in a post-pandemic vision for distributed teams and the development of a concept to fulfil the lack of spontaneous encounters in hybrid working environments. The research follows two different approaches, the double-diamond and the Dive method and includes extensive literature review, remote us...
malčák, jan
Hlavním zaměřením práce je poskytnout vhled do možností moderních technologií a postupů, které umožňují lépe a efektivněji řídit zaměstnance pracující v distribuovaných týmech. Tím jsou myšleni zaměstnanci pracující jak z domova, tak zaměstnanci umístěni v rámci více geograficky oddělených pobočkách společnosti. Práce popisuje výzvy plynoucí z říze...
Seus, Fanny Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A. Zern-Breuer, Rubina
Our study of project cooperation between two company subsidiaries addresses everyday challenges in project management with a new focus on shared cognition. By conducting 36 in-depth interviews, we found that the relationship between the subsidiaries is an important factor when analysing the collaboration of engineering teams working at different lo...
Manjusak, Sejla
Background It is evident that due to the globalization, offshoring and cross-national collaboration has become a natural evolution for many companies which have created the virtual world. The virtual world has many advantages, but when this is put into practice it turns out that there are also some disadvantages that affect the teams that are worki...
Andersson, Emmy
This Master thesis is an exploratory study that had the initial aim to research leadership in distributed teams, but, which ended up changing the focus as a result of unexpected findings. Therefore, the study refocused on collaboration in distributed teams with the purpose to explore the work environment of distributed teams from a collaborative pe...
Connelly, Catherine E. Turel, Ofir
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Members of virtual teams lack many of the visual or auditory cues that are usually used as the basis for impressions about fellow team members. We focus on the effects of the impressions formed in this context, and use social exchange theory to understand how these impressions affect team performance. Our pilot study, using content analysis (n = 19...
Håkonsson, Dorthe D. Obel, Børge Eskildsen, Jacob K. Burton, Richard M.
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Self-interest vs. cooperation is a fundamental dilemma in animal behavior as well as in human and organizational behavior. In organizations, how to get people to cooperate despite or in conjunction with their self-interest is fundamental to the achievement of a common goal. While both organizational designs and social interactions have been found t...
Margaryan, Anoush Boursinou, Eleni Lukic, Dane Zwart, Hans de
Published in
Knowledge Management Research & Practice
We propose an approach to enhancing knowledge sharing and connectedness in distributed teams. Termed ‘Narrating Your Work’ (NYW), the approach involves members of distributed team using a microblogging tool to post regular updates about their current work, accomplishments, and issues. The NYW approach was evaluated within a geographically and tempo...
Lingard, Lorelei McDougall, Allan Levstik, Mark Chandok, Natasha Spafford, Marlee M Schryer, Catherine
Background: A central paradox dwells at the heart of interprofessional care: the tension between autonomy and interdependence. This report uses an ethnographic study to understand how this tension shapes collaborative practice on a distributed, interprofessional transplant team in a Canadian teaching hospital.Methods & Findings: Over four months, t...