Toevoeging van salpeterzuur aan dunne mest is een effectieve methode om ammoniakvervluchtiging uit mest te verminderen bij opslag. Dunne mest vlak voor de toediening aanzuren voorkomt ook ammoniakvervluchtiging. Deze twee methodes zijn in de praktijk
Graslanden zijn mogelijk een belangrijke bron van lachgas (N2O), omdat de stikstofaanvoer en het vochtgehalte van de bodem relatief hoog zijn. Fluxen van N2O werden wekelijks gemeten gedurende het groeiseizoen van 1992 uit onbemest en gemaaid, bemest en gemaaid en bemest en beweid grasland op zand-, klei- en twee veengronden in Nederland
A global inventory with 1°x1° resolution was compiled of emissions of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) to the atmosphere, including emissions from soils under natural vegetation, fertilized agricultural land, grasslands and animal excreta, biomass burning, forest clearing, oceans, fossil fuel and biofuel combustion, and industrial sources.A simple global mode...
Accurate estimates of total nitrous oxide (N2O) losses from grasslands derived from flux-chamber measurements are hampered by the large spatial and temporal variability of N2O fluxes from these sites. In this study, four methods for the calculation o
Velthof, G.L.Jarvis, S.C.Stein, A.Allen, A.G.Oenema, O.
Fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) were measured in mown and intensively-grazed plots on a slightly-sloping, poorly-drained clay soil, using 144 flux chambers on four consecutive days. We tested the hypotheses that (i) spatial variability of N2O fluxes is larger in grazed than in mown grassland and (ii) spatial dependency is larger in mown than in graze...
A large part of the nitrogen (N) input in dairy farming systems in the Netherlands is lost from the system via N leaching and volatilization of gaseous N compounds, including the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The aim of the present study was to quantify N2O emission from dairy farming systems in the Netherlands, using a whole-farm approach. A...
The aims of this thesis are to quantify nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emission from intensively managed grasslands in the Netherlands, to increase the insight in the factors controlling N 2 O emission from intensively managed grasslands and to explore the possibilities to reduce N 2 O emission from intensively managed grasslands. The study was part of the ...