Lambert, Ian Firth, Richard
While the title might suggest otherwise, this is not a polemic against CAD. The aim of this paper is to examine how the emphasis on drawing in design education has changed and the future implications in a digital world.Drawing is unquestionably an important part of “designers’ cognitive processes” [1].To quote Nick Talbot, of design group SeymourPo...
Holmberg, Per
This article investigates how the use of computers with internet access transforms the conditions of writing in the school context. The case study focuses on a class in Swedish Upper secondary school (16 years old) writing argumentative texts that the students may send to a local newspaper for digital publishing. The video recorded work in one writ...
Paulo, Carla Moura de Sanches, Patrícia Mara
Pages: 3235-3242
Andersson, Fredrik Hedmark, Dan
I detta arbete undersöks vilka digitala verktyg som används i några musiklärares undervisning, hur de används, samt vilka de bakomliggande pedagogiska intentionerna kan tänkas vara. Vi har även försökt tolka vilken attityd musiklärarna har till användandet av dessa verktyg och om den kan sägas vara beroende av ålder och yrkeserfarenhet. Fem informa...
Jonsson, Mårten
The development of human-computer interaction (HCI) systems, usable by people withvisual impairments is a progressing field of research. Similarly, the creation of audio-onlygames and digital tools has been investigated somewhat thoroughly, with many interestingresults. This thesis aims to combine the two fields in the creation of an audio-only dig...
Ruiz Iniesta, Cristina
Este estudio trata de analizar cómo comunican las principales entidades bancarias españolas a sus públicos externos a través de internet con el objetivo de establecer una relación más cercana y directa con ellos para cambiar la mala imagen que tienen de ellas el público en general y más en el contexto de crisis económica en el que se encuentra Espa...
Eriksson, Emma Friberg, Linda
Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs ett till tre använder sig av multimediala verktyg för att främja elevernas språkutveckling. Vi vill också få kännedom om varför de använder sig av multimedia samt deras attityder till användandet. Våra frågeställningar är följande: Vilken syn har läarna påmultimediala verktyg fö språutve...
Alarcon, Nicolas
Améliorer les outils numériques proposés à nos usagers est possible. Ce n’est pas coûteux, ce n’est pas compliqué, ça s’appelle l’utilisabilité !
Paio, Alexandra Eloy, Sara Rato, Vasco Moreira Resende, Ricardo de Oliveira, Maria João
Published in
Nexus Network Journal
This paper discusses a key subject of research at ISCTE-IUL. Digital fabrication in architecture offers new perspectives and design innovation in three main areas: academia, research and professional practice. In order to investigate these new challenges and its contributions to architecture in Portugal, a group of multidisciplinary researchers org...
Alba, Mercedes Orrego, Crescencio
The following article is the product of research intended to identify methodological strategies to encourage graduate students to use virtual tools in their professional practice. This investigation was carried out through the use of the applied research model, which uses social cybernetics, and the experimental descriptive method, throughout the d...