Wilmarsgård, Jenny Weståker, Therese
Introduktion: Den mentala ohälsan ökar hos barn och ungdomar samtidigt som den självskattade hälsan och livstillfredställelsen minskar. Elevhälsan i skolorna spelar en viktig roll för hälsofrämjande insatser för barn och ungdomar. Dagens samhälle övergår alltmer till att bli digitalt. Då barn och ungdomar idag är digitala invånare är det av vikt at...
Comte, Florent Gonzalez Bordas, Hernan
Recently, new technologies and, in particular, 3D modelling, have made their mark on the discipline of epigraphy. This development has taken place simultaneously in a number of different institutions, whose researchers have used a variety of different methods to acquire, process, analyse and communicate data.From this heterogeneous context, the pre...
Suckiel, Sabrina A Kelly, Nicole R Odgis, Jacqueline A Gallagher, Katie M Sebastin, Monisha Bonini, Katherine E Marathe, Priya N Brown, Kaitlyn Di Biase, Miranda Ramos, Michelle A
Published in
American journal of human genetics
Digital solutions are needed to support rapid increases in the application of genetic/genomic tests (GTs) in diverse clinical settings and patient populations. We developed GUÍA, a bilingual digital application that facilitates disclosure of GT results. The NYCKidSeq randomized controlled trial enrolled diverse children with neurologic, cardiac, an...
Grondin, Patricia Genevois, Sylvain Wallian, Nathalie
International audience
Čotar, Maruša
Ficko, Andrej Čotar, Maruša Trifković, Vasilije Klopčič, Matija
Triplat, Matevž Saražin, Jaša Krajnc, Nike
Reyes-Galindo, Verónica Jaramillo-Correa, Juan Pablo Carrasco Nava, Karina De-la-Rosa-González, Alejandra Elizabeth... Flores Flores, David Martínez, Mauricio Monroy-De-la-Rosa, Luis Alberto Morelos Zamora, Miguel Ángel Ramírez Morales, Billy Emmanuel Ramírez Morales, Oliver Tanui
Published in
Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology
城市周边森林的监测需要与植被破坏相关的指标。一个例子是墨西哥城周围的神圣冷杉 (Abies religiosa) 森林, 这里的森林在40多年来严重暴露在对流层臭氧 (一种有害污染物) 中。我们开发了一个参与式监测系统, 并由当地社区成员和科学家生成了关于臭氧破坏树木的数据。Santa Rosa Xochiac地区的13名护林员使用数字工具KoboToolBox记录了树木受到的臭氧影响、树高、树龄、树木状况、树木位置以及是否为种植树木。我们的结果表明, 35%的树木 (n=1,765) 受到了臭氧的负面影响。树龄小的树木受臭氧影响的比例更低 (p
Fardeau, Alexandra Rouchet, Hélène
Comment penser de manière durable l'aménagement ainsi que la gestion des territoires ? Comment permettre aux populations de faire face aux enjeux climatiques et environnementaux actuels et futurs ? Ces questions importantes, tant pour les responsables publics que pour les citoyens, sont également intégrées au niveau des nouveaux programmes scolaire...
Jumat, Raihan Loan-Ng, Sally Bee Lan Mogali, Sreenivasulu Reddy Ng, Kian Bee Leong, Bei Yi Han, Siew Ping
Published in
Medical teacher
In the digital age, experts in digital learning tools, or learning technologists (LTs), play an increasingly important role in the creation and delivery of online learning in health professions education. However, their expertise in the selection, curation and implementation of digital tools is often underutilized due to imbalanced relationships an...