Martínez Rodríguez, Francisca Mascato Rey, Rosario
Our aim is to present Valle-Inclán’s Digital Archive, associated with the trajectory and work lines of the Grupo de Investigación Valle-Inclán, of the University of Santiago de Compostela (GIVIUS), and developed taking as a point of departure a wide, complex and varied documentary collection –here referred to as handwritten and printed corpus–. The...
Pinho, Eliana Manuel
Published in
Nexus Network Journal
Brandt-Pomares, Pascale
Le rôle des outils numériques dans les situations d'enseignement-apprentissage est analysé du point de vue des savoirs en jeu en éducation technologique. Leur impact dans les processus de transmission et appropriation est appréhendé au travers de l'analyse de l'activité des enseignants.
Alba, Mercedes Orrego, Crescencio
The following article is the product of research intended to identify methodological strategies to encourage graduate students to use virtual tools in their professional practice. This investigation was carried out through the use of the applied research model, which uses social cybernetics, and the experimental descriptive method, throughout the d...
Nilsson, Claes
De flesta av oss har säkert erfarenhet av hur digitala verktyg kan vara en hjälp på många områden i vardagen. Det går att fastslå att fler och fler funktioner och tjänster i vårt samhälle digitaliseras på olika sätt och i många yrkesgrupper verkar digitala hjälpmedel vara ett självklart inslag. Syftet med detta arbete är att öka kunskapen om vilken...
Liliana, Arganis Juárez Maritza José, Baños Martinez Juan R., Dominguez Mora
Published in
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Panitz, Konrad Garcia Hansen, Veronica
Good daylighting design in buildings not only provides a comfortable luminous environment, but also delivers energy savings and comfortable and healthy environments for building occupants. Yet, there is still no consensus on how to assess what constitutes good daylighting design. Currently amongst building performance guidelines, Daylighting factor...
Davidsson, Kajsa
In this essay I present the process, learnings and final results of my master project. The project focuses on the education Swedish for immigrants, SFI, and how design can play a role in improving the education to better meet the needs of the learners and become more of a step towards inclusion. I identify two learner groups; the experienced and t...
Paio, Alexandra Eloy, Sara Rato, Vasco Moreira Resende, Ricardo de Oliveira, Maria João
Published in
Nexus Network Journal
This paper discusses a key subject of research at ISCTE-IUL. Digital fabrication in architecture offers new perspectives and design innovation in three main areas: academia, research and professional practice. In order to investigate these new challenges and its contributions to architecture in Portugal, a group of multidisciplinary researchers org...
Jonsson, Mårten
The development of human-computer interaction (HCI) systems, usable by people withvisual impairments is a progressing field of research. Similarly, the creation of audio-onlygames and digital tools has been investigated somewhat thoroughly, with many interestingresults. This thesis aims to combine the two fields in the creation of an audio-only dig...