Arrillaga Márquez, Pablo Etxezarreta Etxarri, Enekoitz Bengoetxea Alkorta, Aitor
Gaurkotasunak dakarren erronka eko-sozialei aurre egiteko, estrategia berritzaileak beharrezkoak dira erregioak, eskualdeak, udalerriak etab. bezalako Estatuz azpiko eremuetan aplikatzeko. Ekonomia Sozial eta Solidarioak erronka horiek gainditzeko duen potentzialtasuna aintzat hartuta, artikulu honen bitartez jakin nahi da nola eta noraino txertatu...
Vera Solorzano, María Bravo Santana, Verónica
The article presents as a research purpose the Contextualize the role of Public-Private Partnerships in local governance strategies; This purpose is accompanied by two specific guidelines: 1.- Identify the principles of local governance, and 2.- Reflect on the role of Public-Private Partnerships in local governance strategies. The research was deve...
Hinojosa Silva, Humberto Rafael García Lara, Roberto
Economic law and local development are approachedas a relationship and dependency. The perception of thelocal development of the inhabitants of the Yaguachicanton served as the basis for the respective analysisthat allowed describing aspects related to the subject ofstudy. They are all the actors of local development, fromthe Municipal Decentralize...
Ríos Villagómez, Renán Benites Salas, Yolanda Liliana Vega Gonzales, Emilio Oswaldo
The objective of this research is to systematize the scientific evidence available around the articles published during the period 2020-2023 and that addressed the issue of management in the municipalities of Peru. The methodology corresponds to a bibliographic review, for which the Municipal* AND (gestion OR management) AND (Peru OR peruvian) algo...
Domínguez Arista, David Rodolfo Rosales Ortega, Rocío
Objective: Analyze the forms of territorial governance that are being built in the municipalities of Zapotitlán Salinas, Chila de la sal and Xicotlán at the Mixteca of Puebla, around the production of spring salt. Methodology: Review of the literature on the topic and field work between April 2022 and July 2023, carrying out 42 semi-structured inte...
Martínez Roldán, Nieves Goytia Goyenechea, María Dolores
At the end of the 19th century in the Federal District of Mexico City, specifically in the Venustiano Carranza Delegation, the Federal Colony, among others, was founded. The construction of this Colony began in 1924 with a peculiar origin and a curious planimetry where the square and circle are combined, creating a radial and concentric grid formin...
Peña Figueredo, Daniela M Márquez, Ahimara
This essay aims to reflect on the study categories of an investigation that claims the theory of complexity and the methodological orientation that, from this position, guides the approach to the study phenomenon in a doctoral thesis; its purpose being to generate a theoretical model for public health on the systems of values and meanings that pr...
Bausa Caballero, Elizabeth Guevara Fernández, Ernesto
Thetransfer of technology and knowledge emerges as a guide for economic development and social progress. This complex process, in its legal dimension, must be faced in contexts of digital era and creativity, modulating Intellectual Property Rights. Thus, it constitutes a valuable tool to boost local competitiveness in a globalized world, being able...
Gómez Lillo, Fresia Erices Riquelme, Samuel
This research was conducted with the Rural Sanitation Services presidents of the Salamanca Commune, Coquimbo Region, Chile, to understand what rural drinking water governance means for local development concerning rural sanitation services of Salamanca from the perspective of its leaders. Our study focuses on this specific commune due to existing c...
Pérez Anzardo, Lisbet Eunice Infante Estrabao, Francisco Hechavarría Laffita, Udelter
The agricultural and productive impulse in general is an inseparable part of territorial development and therefore of human progress. By the way, the guidelines and the economic and social policy of the party and the revolution, approved in the viii congress of the communist party of Cuba, are strategies proposed to guide the socioeconomic manageme...