Herrera Camargo, Lyda Marcela Cruz Rubio, César Nicandro
The motto «Let no one behind» sums up the concept of sustainable and inclusive development that envisions 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda. Localizing SDGs to the territory is a priority and at the same time complex task, in which each country has been confront with variable success rates, and where the proper design of the main pla...
Muevecela, Senaida Fuentes Morales, Cristian Rolando
En este estudio, se buscó identificar la interconexión entre estrategias pedagógicas innovadoras, competencias matemáticas y comunicacionales, así como su impacto en el turismo comunitario y el desarrollo local y como por medio de estos elementos se pueden tejer futuros brillantes, empleando un enfoque metodológico cualitativo de tipo documental, c...
Mendoza Acevedo, Mariana López Ojeda, Andrés
Resumen Objetivo: analizar los alcances y la importancia de la cadena de valor aplicada a los micronegocios gastronómicos en el Estado de México para saber cuáles son los elementos que dan ventaja competitiva. Metodología: exploratoria, etnográfica y analítica, derivada del trabajo de campo in situ y de un seminario taller. Resultados: se comprobó ...
Sousa, Luiz Gonzaga de
This article aims analyze tourism as the root of local development, through empowerment, in northeastern Brazil. The methodology used is the on-site observation and survey in the entire northeastern region, considering especially the Paraiba and campinense, as points of interest for local development. The fundamental hypothesis is that "tourism pro...
Moncayo Peaza, Mayra Beatriz Victoria Reyes, María
The objective of this article is the situational diagnosis of the Chico Copataza community in the province of Pastaza, Ecuador, where its tourist potential was evaluated to ultimately define a community tourism product in order to contribute to the development of the community. The proposed methodology is based on literature review, inventory metho...
Mañas Codina, Laura Pablo Valenciano, Jaime de García Corral, Francisco Javier
An analysis of the municipality of Sorbas in the region of Levante Almeriense (Spain) has been elaborated with the objective of bet-ter understanding its characteristics, focusing on education and emigration of the young population to other areas, either near or far away, in order to satisfy needs that are not covered in the core. The relationship ...
Bojórquez Carrillo, Ana Laura Vargas Jiménez, Monserrat Hernández Islas, Mireya Noemí
Resumen La inseguridad alimentaria es un problema complejo a nivel mundial. Una parte importante de este problema es el suministro de alimentos. Los mercados locales pueden representar una estrategia para la construcción de capital social, así como estrategias para la subsistencia y la sostenibilidad de las cadenas de valor de alimentos, contribuye...
Vizuete Proaño, David Tigrero Suárez, Freddy Enrique
This article investigates the role of microenterprises in post-pandemic local development in the La Libertad canton. The main objective is to understand the economic, social, and environmental contributions of these microenterprises and identify effective strategies to promote sustainable local development in the post-pandemic context. A quantitati...
Serrano Andrés, Alberto Hernández Navarro, María Luz
What is the level of continuity of the companies created through LEADER in the long term? And what is the impact of these companies on improving the quality of life of their promoters and of the territory? These are the two main questions that are answered in this article based on our case study of CEDER Monegros. Firstly, the fieldwork carried out...
López Torres, Doralys León Sánchez, Kevin Rodríguez Espinosa, Frank Leidis
The research was developed with the objective of determining the agroecological sustainability of the family farms of the "El Cafetal" community of the San Juan y Martinez municipality; selected by the local government,as a reference for the implementation of the Food and Nutritional Sovereignty Plan in the territory. For this, 20 agroecosystems we...