Rangel Murueta, Jhonnatan
El zoque ayapaneco es una lengua de la familia lingüística mixe-zoque que se localiza en el poblado de Ayapa, en el estado de Tabasco. El ayapaneco aparece por primera vez en la literatura científica en 1971 cuando se contabilizaron 150 hablantes mayores de 35 años (García de León). No es sino hasta 2011 cuando hay una segunda mención de la lengua ...
Bermúdez, Natalia Verónica
Who are left out of the organizations that are constituted to demand justice? How are classifications and social hierarchies built around the relatives of victims? In what ways are some deaths and disappearances recorded as a problem and collective drama in Argentina? In this article, I show how the disappearance of a young man from the popular sec...
Casados González, Estela
In Veracruz the second decade of the 21st century has been marked by insecurity and violence. Specifically, aggressions towards women in this state increased seriously. This article will present a comparative analysis of what happened in the subject of violence against women in the first half of 2016 and the corresponding period of 2017.Keywords: V...
García Salaya, Juan Alberto Morales Notario, José Antonio
El país enfrenta un grave problema en materia de seguridad pública, debido a que la delincuencia organizada ha adquirido mayor fuerza. Existe un contubernio entre los agentes estatales y los delincuentes que culmina con la desaparición de aquellas personas consideradas non gratas. A pesar de que varios Estados han tipificado la desaparición forzada...
Silva Flores, Viviana Andrea
More and more often, we artists work on our doctoral theses in academic environments that operate mostly under the parameters of the scientific method, which do not always suit our interests or the way we do things. But could we have our own models? What models could they be? Artistic practice as research is emerging today as a possible model. This...
Vieira da Silva, Camila
Deploying the notion of trace in the visible this article focuses on an aesthetics of disappearance in Brazilian contemporary cinema. Indeed, 21st century Brazilian audiovisual production points to the invention of an image which does not only bear witness to the visible, but also to losses, voids, intermittencies, and disappearances. By setting th...
Durán, Maria-Angélica
La figura del fantasma es un clásico de la literatura fantástica universal. En la literatura argentina reciente el fantasma es, también, un motivo recurrente de las relecturas políticas de la Historia. Mariana Enríquez es una de las autoras que alcanza una mayor maestría en la plasmación de un género híbrido, en el cual lo fantástico y el horror co...
Iturralde, Micaela
This article makes an analytic journey through the speeches made by Clarín newspaper about the forced disappearance of people between 1975 and 1978. It inquires about the possibilities and limits of media representation of the phenomenon, its effects on communication languages and tensions, ruptures and continuities between the figurations construc...
Ordoñez, Maria
In Colombia, disappearance of people has taken place in a complex ecology of human and non-human, undone, and waste. A landscape in which hidden, buried, and poured bodies circulate in rivers, dumps, escombreras or rubble zones, surplus areas, and particularly in cemeteries, shaping hybrid forms of life and meaning between death. Here, I approach d...
Scaramucci, Marianna
The essay reflects on the relationship between the aesthetics of anti-monuments and the “precarious knowledge” which characterizes the testimony of historical catastrophes such as forced disappearance, to think about testimony as an anti-hegemonic form of memory-building and elaborating on traumatic events. The analysis deepens the correlation betw...