Cepeda Alvear, Hernán Marcelo
En la presente investigación, se realizaron estudios y comparaciones relacionadas a los factores que incidieron en la desaparición involuntaria de personas en la provincia de Manabí, periodo comprendido entre el año 2020 y primer semestre del 2021; habiendo efectuado análisis de los datos obtenidos de la Dirección Nacional de Investigación de Del...
Martínez Castillo, Gabriela
Resumen Las familias de personas desaparecidas demandan una participación más activa en la construcción de las narrativas que les abordan, sean éstas teóricas, periodísticas, psicológicas, humanitarias o de derechos humanos. Aquí se describe el recorrido de una investigación que inició con métodos y objetivos tradicionales, pero que a exigencia de ...
Cuéllar, Tatiana
This research in arts is assumed as part of a process of cultural transforma-tion, because it relates the I with the we in the field of living and visual arts to expand the view on the different visions of war, violence and armed conflict in the Colombian collective imagination. The main objective is to create a poetic-political device that contrib...
Ordoñez, Maria
In Colombia, disappearance of people has taken place in a complex ecology of human and non-human, undone, and waste. A landscape in which hidden, buried, and poured bodies circulate in rivers, dumps, escombreras or rubble zones, surplus areas, and particularly in cemeteries, shaping hybrid forms of life and meaning between death. Here, I approach d...
Scaramucci, Marianna
The essay reflects on the relationship between the aesthetics of anti-monuments and the “precarious knowledge” which characterizes the testimony of historical catastrophes such as forced disappearance, to think about testimony as an anti-hegemonic form of memory-building and elaborating on traumatic events. The analysis deepens the correlation betw...
Colombo, Pamela
In the 21st century, together with the emergence of new forms of disappearance, new spaces appear associated (for example, the Arizona-Sonora desert that seems to swallow those who cross it as if it were a «killing machine» or the Mediterranean Sea where the European States «let migrants die»). The new types of disappearance not only present partic...
Pérez López, Janneth Alyne
This article develops the notion of the non-body as the main concept of incidence in the reflection of the representation of violence. Throughout it, the reason for the need for a link between the meaning of the pre-Hispanic image and the images that are displayed today is explained, which would lead to think of them as complex constructions and a ...
Núñez, Javiera
Abstract: This essay aims to read from the concept of urgency, some of the rewrites of Antigone in Latin America that have been configured around processes of violence and forced disappearances. It also confirms the current relevance of the tragedy of Sophocles that is reinvented in the contemporary scene, in the form of devices capable of reaching...
Schindel, Estela
In this essay disappearance is understood as the production of modes of existence that take place beyond the frames of social and civil inscription. It is thus a disjointment between the qualified life of a rights-holder and the sphere of mere survival, that means an exposed, vulnerable, bare life. This definition of disappearance bears an intimate...
Casado Neira, David
Currently, the main point of the claims regarding the Spanish Civil War and the Franco’s dictatorship repression is the location and exhumation of (mass) graves. In the Spanish Galician region (among others) the chosen location were common and frequented places, even if geographically there was a possible to use “chupaderos” or “black holes” to mak...