Tamayo Plazas, María Angélica
Resumen: Este artículo analiza tres conmemoraciones en torno a la desaparición de personas en México entre 2010 y 2021: la Semana y el Día Internacionales del Detenido-Desaparecido y la Marcha por la Dignidad: Madres Buscando a sus Hijos e Hijas. Se pregunta por el proceso de construcción de distintas memorias en torno a la desaparición y su expres...
Echeverría Echeverría, Rebelín
Resumen En la actualidad, el trabajo de las universidades en materia de igualdad de género y de inclusión se reconoce como una necesidad ante la diversidad que caracteriza a la comunidad universitaria, ante la importancia de seguir avanzando en materia de género y ante la presencia de diversas manifestaciones de violencia. El objetivo de este traba...
Gauna, Juan Pablo
Resumen: En este trabajo intervenimos en el debate sobre el testimonio de los exdetenidos-desaparecidos en Argentina durante la última dictadura militar (1976-1983), dando cuenta de un giro subjetivo que puso en tela de juicio a los discursos universalizantes propios de los años sesenta y setenta, y que se desplegó en las páginas de la revista Cont...
Gil Ruiz, Juana María
AbstractThe pandemic crisis suffered by Covid-19 is unparalleled, with a significant economic and financial impact, as well as a health impact. However, this very framework allows us and, in turn, forces us to audit the damages and rethink a new legal and political framework that includes all global citizens, without penalty. The approach to accoun...
Pogge, Thomas
Today’s most advanced societies are structured around three normative elements: rule of law, meeting basic human needs, and constrained inequality. These are culturally deeply entrenched to the point that citizens are expected fully to subordinate their diverse personal interests and values to their shared commitment to their society’s just and fai...
Vera Solorzano, Paolo
At present the word xenophobia is heard very frequently, which is given by the rejection felt by the nationals of a country against people of other nationalities who settle in their nations. It should be noted that the movements of people from one country to another have occurred since very remote times, causing rejection by foreigners towards them...
Duarte Auquilla, Ingrid
In this research, femicide in Ecuador was analyzed as a crime against humanity; femicide is defined as the murder of women because of their gender, and has reached alarming proportions in Ecuadorian society. The analysis reviewed the evolution of the terms used to describe these murders, from "uxoricide" to "femicide" to "femicide." In this way...
Slavin, Estefanía
Equal access to architectural heritage is a right and a challenge in conservation. The articulated application of new technologies to solve accessibility can contribute in this line, particularly for people with visual disabilities. In this sense, a pilot experience was carried out at the Victoria Ocampo Cultural Center in Mar del Plata, with a sup...
Rey Vázquez, Luis Eduardo
In the province of Corrientes (Argentina), there have been procedural reforms that are being implemented and that seek to achieve the practical achievement of the objectives recognized in constitutional and conventional norms, especially for the so-called vulnerable sectors. This procedural reform was preceded by a notable enhancement of human righ...
Silva Duarte, Federico
In terms of creativity and design, fashion is linked to fundamental human rights, such as the freedom to imagine, create and disseminate diverse cultural expressions without censorship, interference or pressure. At the same time, cultural diversity is essential for peace and security at the local, national and international levels, its importance b...