This thesis aims to examine when democratic consolidation took place in Costa Rica from a maximalistic perspective. The hypothesis is that it’s likely that the democracy was not consolidated as early as 1953 which would be the case if applying a minimalistic perspective. Linz and Stepan’s theory about democratic consolidation has been chosen as the...
This essay has the ambition to examine and compare Croatia’s and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s development towards a consolidated democracy. By applying Linz & Stepen’s theory on how to consolidate a democracy and put focus on political society, behavioral patterns, attitude and constitutional structure the purpose is to find similarities and difference...
In this essay the aim was to investigate how the EU is trying to function as a democracy promoter in three particular countries, the so called candidate-countries Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey. The aim was also to analyze if there exist any differences in how the EU functions in these countries as a democracy promoter with a focus on how acts of ...
Den föreliggande uppsatsen är av teoretisk art och syftar till att skildra synen på massan och massamhället hos en utvald grupp samhällstänkare, vilka var verksamma främst under 1800-talet och en bit in på 1900-talet. Under denna period så var massamhället och dess konsekvenser ett hett diskussionsämne bland konstnärer, skönlitterära författare, sa...
Abstract Växjö University, School of Social Sciences Bachelor thesis Title: Ansvaret för skolan – en studie om ansvarsfördelningen ur ett nyinstitutionalistiskt perspektiv Author: Hanna Jansson Supervisor: Conny Johannesson The aim of the study is to investigate which ideas that dominated the official political debate concerning the responsibility ...
This dissertation contributes to an increased understanding of democracy promotion. Empirically, the study focuses on the multi-faced democratisation process in Macedonia; the official Swedish policy for democracy promotion; and actual Swedish attempts to promote democracy in Macedonia in the period 2000–2006. Theoretically, the study advances an a...
The central question for this study is the popular perception of the state in four Eastern European countries. The democratic transition in this part of Europe has often been marked by deep mistrust towards politicians and sometimes towards the new political system as such. Among other things, the low election turnout in these countries has sometim...
Bortom historien slut – Beyond the end of history According to Robert Dahl there are seven criteria that have to be fulfilled in order for a state to be democratic. Dahl also states that there are several factors that effect the development of democracy. In today’s world it is mostly developing countries that have failed to bring about democratic c...