Zandvoort, Mark
Planning for delta areas happens amid uncertainty, which may influence the location, type and form of interventions such as infrastructure, spatial strategies and design standards. Interventions, however, may fix the spatial configuration for decades, for which insight in the appropriate use of adaptiveness to account for uncertainty is essential. ...
van Staveren, Martijn F.
This thesis investigates contested initiatives to restore controlled flooding in the deltas of the Dutch, Bangladesh and Vietnamese (Mekong) deltas. Restoring controlled flooding is a seemingly contradictory measure in densely populated delta areas, where approaches based on full flood prevention has been typically dominant for decades. This has in...
Joffre, O.M.
Balancing options for shrimp farming A landscape approach to investigate the future of shrimp farming in the Mekong Delta Olivier Joffre While providing an option for development in coastal areas, shrimp farming is usually associated with high environmental cost due to the loss of mangrove forest and high social cost as farmers suffer heavy financi...
Meyer, Han Bregt, A.K. Dammers, Ed Edelbos, Jurian van den Berg, Job van den Born, Gert Jan Broesi, R. van Buuren, A. van den Burg, Leo Duijn, Mike
The delta region between Rotterdam and Antwerp is a prime example of an area where spatial developments face increasing complexity. Local initiatives for developing urban expansions, recreation areas, nature and industrial complexes must harmonize with measures such as adequate flood protection, sufficient freshwater supply, restoration of ecosyste...
Dedert, M. Brasseur, S.M.J.M. van den Heuvel-Greve, M.J.
Dit rapport omvat een overzicht van aantallen, reproductie en sterfte van zeehonden in het Deltagebied en de resultaten van een literatuuronderzoek naar mogelijke effecten van perfluorverbindingen (PFC’s) op de gezondheid van zeehonden. Momenteel zijn er in aantal voldoende gewone en grijze zeehonden in het Deltagebied aanwezig om aan het Natura200...
Bucx, T. van Driel, W.F. de Boer, H. Graas, S. Langenberg, V. Marchand, M. van de Guchte, C.
Worldwide, deltas host dense populations and are important centres of agricultural and industrial production, and economic activity. Many deltas are areas of great ecological importance as well, featuring wetlands of high and unique biodiversity. Deltas are vulnerable to changes by natural forces and human activities. Major drivers of change are po...
Wijsman, J.W.M.
Dit lectoraat richt zich specifiek op aquacultuur in deltagebieden. Een delta kenmerkt zich door een grote dynamiek als gevolg van de getijdenwerking vanuit zee, door de menging van zout- met zoetwater en de slib- en nutriëntenaanvoer vanuit de rivier. Veel verschillende functies komen er samen. De veelheid aan functies leidt vaak tot conflicten, m...
van Driel, W.F. Peters, R. van de Guchte, C.
Delta Alliance is an international knowledge-driven network organisation. Its mission is to improve the resilience of deltas through more integrated and effective efforts, building on scientific research and knowledge exchange. It aims at disclosure of knowledge for application by a wide audience of end-users from the knowledge institutions, public...
van den Bosch, R. Bucx, T. Klostermann, J.E.M. Wijsman, P. van Driel, W.F. van de Guchte, C.
Delta Alliance is an international knowledge-driven network organisation. Its mission is to improve the resilience of deltas through more integrated and effective efforts, building on scientific research and knowledge exchange. It aims at disclosure of knowledge for application by a wide audience of end-users from the knowledge institutions, public...
Vellinga, N.E. Hoitink, A.J.F. van der Vegt, M. Zhang, W. Hoekstra, P.
With the aim to link tidal and subtidal water level changes to human interventions, 70 years of water level data for the Rhine–Meuse tidal river network is analysed using a variety of statistical methods. Using a novel parameterization of probability density functions, mean high and low water levels are examined, and extreme water levels are invest...