Peláez Hernández, Ramón Antonio Woolcott, Olenka
The article is aimed at addressing the evidentiary difficulties that the victim of damage would face in the process of extracontractual civil liability for risky activity unless the case law has incorporated a rule that allows the presumption of guilt or the presumption of responsibility. The jurisprudence interpretation oscillates between these tw...
Gondra Rezola, José María
In the mid-20th Century Orval Hobart Mowrer (1907-1982) became an authority in the psychology of learning mainly due to his learned anxiety experiments and his numerous publications. But in the spring of 1945 his career took a radical turn after meeting Harry Stack Sullivan’s theory of the relationships with the significant others. Thinking that hi...
Soazo Ahumada, Christian
Abstract: This article problematizes the affectivity of the modern/colonial project arised from the logic of identity/difference, especially in relation to guilt and its possible decolonization associated to the delinking of its economic dimension founded on debt. "Modern" guilt responds to the fetishism of law, exchange value, and the modern-aesth...
Palomar Pérez, Natalia
Dentro del complejo entramado de esta novela, que nos adentra en la vida de tres generaciones de una familia de Kerala, se percibe una dinámica de tragedia griega. Las conexiones son múltiples: en los gemelos protagonistas reaparecen las vicisitudes de Electra y Orestes. También se reelabora la cuestión de la doble culpa edípica al implicar a Estha...
Ángeles Constantino, Martha Isabel
Prison as a punishment space for the current punitive system in Latin America is the ideal way to deliver justice in a society that sometimes tends to dehumanization. There is no single model of criminal sanctions and policy, so that judicial discretion combined with a diversification of the crime, in most cases does not allow the central objective...
Gerez Ambertín, Marta
The article works on one of Jorge Luis Borges' most discussed short stories: “Emma Zunz”. It inquires into the protagonist's enigmas, construing her as a rotating platform that frames the insult suffered by a daughter torn between the wall of guilt and the sword of vengeful hatred. By clarifying those enigmas, it is possible to understand why the a...
Salomone, Mariano Javier
The article takes up Walter Benjamin's reference to class hatred as the “main nerve” from which subaltern sectors draw their strength in political action. Our basic hypothesis is that said revolutionary passion —as a subjectivization process committed to historical praxis— is characterized by a permanent tension between revenge and guilt. Specifica...
Roberto Alba, Nelson
The article proposes an analysis of the booklet “Capitalism as Religion” by German philosopher Walter Benjamin considering a possible paradox that underlies the text, according to which capitalism is conceived as a religious phenomenon that, instead of redeeming the faults of the believers, condemns them to an eternal guilt/debt, thus constituting ...
Vargas Castro, David
Taking Freud's elaborations as its main source, the article seeks to account for manifestations of hatred during mourning. To that effect, we review some of the ideas set forth in “Mourning and Melancholia” in the light of both previous and later texts. We also connect ambivalence to the fate of passions and to the murder of the father of the horde...
Vargas, Mariela
The article analyzes Walter Benjamin's interpretation of capitalist modernity as set forth in Capitalism as Religion. It inquires into the religious character of capitalism and shows that the initial elaboration of capitalism in terms of religion gave way to a complementary approach in terms of mythical forces. While this shift is already visible i...