Flevares, Lucia M. Schiff, Jamie R.
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
In the past 25 years an identifiable interest in using children’s literature in mathematics learning emerged (Clyne and Griffiths, 1991; Welchman-Tischler, 1992; Hong, 1996; Hellwig etal., 2000; Haury, 2001). We critically review the rationales given for the use of picture books in mathematics learning, with a special focus on geometry due to its u...
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Beatriz María
The analysis of literary translations and adaptations of a canonical work for children or young adults shows great divergences from the source text. Narrative strategy, for example, can be modified taking into account the implicit target text reader, possible didactic purposes and the target text literary genre, among other factors. This work aims ...
Ferrari, Roberta
ABSTRACT: When a major author engages in writing a book for children, it always turns out to be more than a mere incursion into a less prestigious genre. This paper proposes a reading of Ian McEwan’s The Daydreamer aimed at unveiling its different levels of signification through a study of its paratextual, intertextual, structural, and metafictiona...
Avanzini, Alessandra
Neste artigo discutirei o romance Le avventure di Pinocchio: storia di un burattino, escrito por Collodi, que apareceu inicialmente em forma seriada no Il giornale per i bambini, uma revista infantil publicada em 1883. Gostaria de começar com a seguinte pergunta: podemos considerar Pinóquio um Bildungsroman, uma história de formação? Mostrarei que ...
Welin, Jesper
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utifrån ett genusperspektiv visa hur pojkar och flickor beskrivs i bilderböcker för barn. För att få syn på detta har karaktärernas grad av aktivitet i handlande situationer analyserats. För att vidare fördjupa resonemanget och problematisera könsstereotyper så har ett feministiskt poststrukturalistiskt perspek...
Rodríguez Salazar, Sonia
This article presents the main results of an analysis of important flaws in the Spanish translation of a number of children’s story books, known as Beginning Readers’ Books. It addresses errors which can affect the children’s process of acquiring reading and writing skills. These deficiencies can be attributed to the translators’ lack of familiarit...
Flecha López, Gonzalo
In this second submission we will discuss the concept of time and how to approach it from a perspective understandable for preschoolers. At the same time, we will make an approach to the notion of size by comparing different items from children’s daily life. / En esta segunda entrega trataremos el concepto del tiempo y cómo abordarlo desde una pers...
Flecha López, Gonzalo
In this article, talking The Pumpkin Soup story as the departure point, we discuss the development of schemes and the acquisition of the concept of the number when using easily designed activities such as transferring several objects to different kinds of materials. / En este artículo trataremos, a partir del cuento Sopa de calabaza, la formación d...
Lindström, Sandra
I den stora hen-debatten under 2012 saknades barnens perspektiv. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa det genom att ta reda på vilka pronomen förskolebarn använder i sitt samtalande om barnboken Kivi och monsterhund som endast innehåller könsneutrala pronomen. Materialinsamlingen gjordes genom barnintervjuer i fokusgrupper där fyra- och femåriga ...
Burcar, Lilijana
The latest capitalist restructuring has resulted in new conditions of employment, seriously affecting possibilities for people’s self-realization. Women have been hurt the most and face an increasing feminisation of poverty. This paper foregrounds the importance of literary socialisation in preparing young people to accept or reject neoliberal gend...