Sanders, Joe Sutliff
Peer reviewed: True / Publication status: Published / A debate over whether children’s nonfiction should “speculate” was launched in 2011. Understood within the context of changing demands on children’s nonfiction, it reveals a contested construction of childhood and suggests that the rules of critical engagement might be different in different gen...
Guanuchi Morocho, Joseline Mora Cabrera, Evelyn Sarmiento Calle, Carmen
The global health crisis caused by COVID-19 affected all areas of daily life. At the educational level, for example, the modality of teaching changed from face-to-face to virtual, causing isolation and communication difficulties for students, especially those in the initial sub-level. Based on the above, this article presents the results of the app...
Lueb, Sanna
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur barns agens framställs i barnböcker som behandlar miljö- och klimatfrågor. Materialet i studien består av fyra finska bilderböcker för barn som behandlar teman kring miljömedvetenhet och klimatförändring. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka former av agens som kan observeras i de analyserade verken o...
Schmehl-Postaï, Annette
notre étude propose une analyse des traces du processus de compréhension (débats, écrits des élèves) lors de la lecture accompagnée en classe. Cette séquence menée auprès d’élèves de huit à neuf ans met au centre un album qui aborde des Questions Socialement Vives. L’enseignante travaille avec sa classe différentes visions du futur dans un monde in...
Jirásek, Ivo Macků, Richard Němec, Jiří Jarkovská, Lucie
Published in
Journal of Pedagogy
The paper deals with the work of the Czech children’s author Jaroslav Foglar from a gender perspective, reflecting on two themes in particular: the absence of heroines; and his understanding of boys’ reciprocity and friendship with the adoration of physicality. The impetus for this analysis was data from a questionnaire survey, the aim of which was...
Laliena, Daniel Tabernero Sala, Rosa
Published in
Frontiers in Education
The recent proliferation of environmental children’s literature and the growing interest in this type of books by researchers and proponents of ecocriticism could be deemed a byproduct of contemporary concerns regarding environmental sustainability. Considering books for children as more than mere tools for environmental awareness-raising prompts a...
Hosay, Maureen
Published in
Journal of Literary Theory
If, as George E.P. Box puts it, »all models are wrong, but some are useful« (Box in Ahnert et al. 2020, 79), what then, would be the merit and concrete gains of such an ambivalent model in the field of literature? This article stems from a hunch: that the use of the network metaphor to describe children’s literature (in the broad sense as referring...
Scheel, Annika
Published in
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
The contemporary children’s robinsonade exemplifies an amalgamation of several centuries worth of intertexts, visible not only in the texts themselves but also in their audiences. In addition to adapting narrative elements, such as the shipwreck or the encounter with Friday, the narrative intent of didacticism spans over centuries, emulating ideolo...
Axelsson, Marcus Lindgren, Charlotte
Published in
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies
In the present study, we investigate how the relationship between human and nature is rendered as Norwegian children’s book author Maria Parr’s novel Keeperen og havet [Lena, the Sea and me] is translated into Danish, English, French, German, and Swedish. Our focus is mainly on book cover images, and methodologically we use concepts and tools from ...
Al-Jafar, Ali A. Jouhar, Mohammed R.
Published in
Text & Talk
Little is known about typography and its contribution to the meaning-making process in children’s storybooks. This study applied the systematic framework for a distinctive feature analysis of typography to explore the manifestations of typography in 24 recently published Arabic children’s storybooks and outline typography’s ideational, interpersona...