Sodnik, Jošt Mikoš, Matjaž Bezak, Nejc
Different sediment-related disasters due to torrential hazards, such as flash floods, debris flows, and landslides, can occur in an Alpine torrential catchment. When protecting infrastructure and human lives, different structural and non-structural protection measures can be used to mitigate permanent and future risks. An overview of the mitigation...
paez-trujillo;, ana
Preventive Drought Management Measures (PDMMs) aim to reduce the chance of droughts and minimize drought-associated damages. Selecting PDMMs is not a trivial task, and it can be asserted that actual contributions to drought alleviation still need to be adequately researched. This study evaluates the effects of three potential PDMMs, namely, rainwat...
Alam, Mohammad Faiz McClain, Michael E. Sikka, Alok Daniel, D. Pande, Saket
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Rainwater harvesting systems (RWHs) are implemented globally to bridge the frequent water supply-demand gaps. This study explores, through farmer household surveys (n = 492), how farmers perceived the benefits of RWHs, the equitability of benefits, and the role of contextual and psychological factors towards the behaviour of maintaining such system...
Alam, Mohammad Faiz Pavelic, Paul Villholth, Karen G. Sikka, Alok Pande, S.
Study region: The study region is the Kamadhiya catchment (1150 km2 ), located in the Saurashtra region of the western state of Gujarat, India. The region has seen intensive development of check dams (CDs) for groundwater recharge with an estimated 27,000 CDs constructed up until 2018. Study focus: The impact of CDs on groundwater storage, food pro...
Chahrour, Nour Tacnet, Jean-Marc Bérenguer, Christophe
Among several types of natural risks’ protection measures, check dams are the most dominant in French mountains. Over their lifetime and while being subjected to severe phenomena such as torrential floods, the check dams’ efficacy will be affected and therefore the level of protection provided by these structures will be reduced. Available budgets ...
Indihar, Rok
Za Slovenijo je značilno prepletanje gorskega, hribovitega in gričevnatega sveta z rečnimi dolinami in kotlinami. Reliefna in geološka razgibanost ter raznolikost, klimatske razmere ter način gospodarjenja s prostorom so vzroki, da erozija in hudourniki neposredno in posredno ogrožajo okoli 237.000 ha ozemlja. Da bi izboljšali varnost pred škodnim ...
rahmati;, omid
Check dams are widely used watershed management measures for reducing flood peak discharge and sediment transport, and increasing lag time and groundwater recharge throughout the world. However, identifying the best suitable sites for check dams within the stream networks of various watersheds remains challenging. This study aimed to develop an ope...
Chen, Fulong Zheng, Jintao Li, Shaofei Long, Aihua
Published in
Water Resources
Flood peaks and volumes had been detected a downward trend in Fuping hydrological station. To quantify the effects of check dams on flood peaks and volumes, a hydrological model integrating land use was established. The model performed well in flood processes simulation, and the Nash efficiency of the model was 0.72. Then the model was used to iden...
Hartman, BD Cleveland, DA Chadwick, OA
Hartman, BD Cleveland, DA Chadwick, OA