Gallini, Stefania
This article explores the logic and discourses that were instrument for spinning up the genetic change of the Colombian cattle ranching throughout the first three decades of the Twentieth century, that is the �Zebuisation�. It focuses on ideas expressed by experts around the relationship between breeds and the environment, and the debate about the ...
Torregroza, Lino Cuadrado, Hugo Pérez G., Juan
Objective: To evaluate the rate of growth of steers F1 romosinuano for zebu and of steers commercial zebu under conditions of efficient handling of pastures and of strategic supplementation during dry season. Materials and methods: Beef production of steers F1 romo x zebu and zebu was evaluated in rotational grazing of angleton under the Sinú valle...
Pérez de Utrera, Mario Pino Guerra Iglesias, Danilo González-Peña Fundora, Dianelys
In order to know the genetic correlations between the growth characteristics in bulls and the reproductive characteristics in Zebu cows of Cuba, 9.490 registries of bulls were used. They finished the test of behavior in pasturing, and to which the final weight (PF ) at 18 months of age, and 13.575 registries of their half-sisters was registered wit...
Ruiz J., Andrés F. Tobon, Carlos Olivera Ángel, Martha
En una hacienda de ganado Brahman con 573 vacas de cría, ubicada en el trópico bajo colombiano, se observó que la ganancia de peso de los terneros lactantes se disminuía sin una causa aparente y que varias vacas tenían los cuartos perdidos. Objetivo: realizar una evaluación de la salud de la ubre para determinar la presencia de mastitis subclínica ...
Ulhôa Magnabosco, Cláudio Brito Lopes, Fernando de Magalhaes Rosa, Guilherme Jordão Sainz, Roberto Daniel
Summary Background: Nellore cows are well adapted to tropical conditions, and they have good maternal ability as well as long and prolific reproductive life. Objective: to estimate (co)variances and genetic parameters for calving interval (CI), age at first calving (AFC), gestation length (GL), and days open (DO) in Nellore cows. Methods: covarianc...
Martínez M., Mastoby Cardona Álvarez, José Alberto Pérez Berrio, Diana Marcela
A postite é uma patologia que afeta a mucosa parietal e o extremo anterior dos freios conjuntivais do prepúcio, com afetação da porção tegumentária ou sem esta, e que pode incapacitar a protrusão do pênis. Dentro das causas de pré-disposição nos touros estão as particularidades morfogenéticas, traumáticas, infecciosas pruriginosas, e no caso do con...
Berragán Hernández, Wilson Andrés Benavidez Cruz, Juan Zúñiga López, Aldemar Espitia, P. Amado Cardozo, Jaime
Introduction. Silvopastoral systems are livestock scheme production schemes with the potential to mitigate the negative effect of the environment on animal productivity. Objective. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of multi-stratum silvopastoral systems on heat stress and the population of hematophagous dipterans in beef cattle...
Ferreira da Silva, Fabiano Chizzotti, Mario L Zamudio, Germán DR Estrada, Mauricio M Pacheco, Marcos VC Silva, Breno C Valadares Filho, S. C. Rodrigues, Rafael T de S
Background:Rehydration of grains, such as corn and sorghum, is used to increase nutrient absorption. However, the effect of this practice on meat quality is poorly understood. Objective: To evaluate the effects of type of grain and processing on the meat quality of Nellore steers in a feedlot. Methods: Twenty-four non-castrated Nellore steers (270 ...
Vásquez Loaiza, Marilyn Molina Coto, Roger
Introducción. En Costa Rica, la población de ganado con registro genealógico de la Asociación de Criadores de Ganado Cebú (ASOCEBÚ), no contaba con una caracterización reproductiva ni con parámetros como edad al primer parto (EPP) o intervalo entre partos (IEP), lo cual limita el análisis, progreso genético y productivo de las razas. Objetivo. Cara...