Gomes, Helen Maria da Silva Bernardes do Nascimento, João Carlos Hip... Caddah Neto, Elias Dib
Intellectual Capital (IC) can be classified as the intangible assets that are not explicitly listed in the company's Balance Sheets, but affect performance, thus revealing the relationship between employees, ideas and information. Given the above, the present study sought, in a longitudinal manner, between 2009 and 2019, to evaluate the IC of the p...
Núñez Ramírez, Marco Alberto Mercado Salgado, Patricia Garduño Realivazquez, Karla Alejandra
Resumen Objetivo: Identificar la estabilidad entre los resultados de la validez de constructo, convergente y discriminante de un instrumento de capital intelectual. Método cuantitativo: Análisis estadístico de tres tipos de validez, previa traducción inversa (inglés-españolinglés) del cuestionario; muestra no probabilística de 226 empresas de Méxic...
Simaro, Jorge Daniel Tonelli, Omar Edgardo Varela, Francisco José
The objective of this paper, within the framework of the study of university intellectual capital, was to test a tool designed to analyze the training program offered by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires (UNICEN), the process of labor insertion and the impact of academic traini...
Crespo, María
The objective of the study was to identify elements that facilitate knowledge management as a generator of intellectual capital inresearch centers. Methodologically, it was framed in the positivist paradigm of a quantitative, descriptive nature with a non-experimental field and transectional design. The population was made up of 20 researchers from...
Zakaria, Nejjari Aamoum, Hanane
El objetivo principal del estudio es analizar las diversas formas de capital intelectual (CI) y cómo influyen en las empresas comerciales. La investigación también analiza cómo los informes financieros perciben la CI. Los tres elementos de CI, cómo se reconocen en los informes financieros de una unidad y el efecto que tienen en la organización de l...
Zakaria, Nejjari Aamoum, Hanane
The major study aim is to look at the various forms of intellectual capital (IC) and how they influence business firms. The research as well looks at how the financial reports perceive for IC. The three elements of IC, how they are acknowledged in a unit’s financial reports, and the effect they have on the firm organization are described using a li...
Nava Chacín, Massiel Eulalia
The present research aimed to highlight the most relevant aspects of Knowledge Management for Innovation in the Current Management Context, for this purpose it focused on the theoretical postulates based on authors such as; Arocha (2020), Briceño (2020), Quijanoy Yépez (2020), Cuero (2019) , González y Álvarez (2019), Calvo (2018), Pérez (2016),amo...
Bríñez, Moisés
The current business landscape is characterized by being complex, dynamic and, above all, highly competitive. The dynamics of innovation established the need to implement technologies aimed at the development of human talent, strengthening its structure and consolidating strategic relationships. The objective of this research is to analyze informat...
López Mera, María Rocío Cortés Landázury, Raúl
The generation of public administrative knowledge requires the qualification of resources and factors of investigative management that integrate different instruments to the institutional course without losing sight of endogenous capacities. This document aims to show the incidence of organizational factors in the development of research management...
Erazo Álvarez, Juan Carlos
The interrelation between innovation and intellectual capital is probably one of the most complex issues from the perspective of South America, because the new technological paradigm poses extraordinary challenges for the region. This research aims to determine the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation management in small and med...