Vellinga, Theun Leenstra, Ferry Bremmer, Bart Tersteeg, Joost
De KringloopToets beoogt nutriëntenstromen in beeld te brengen. Op verzoek van de Ministeries van IenM en EZ (situatie van Kabinet Rutte II) en de Vereniging Diervoederonderzoek Nederland is een KringloopToets uitgevoerd rond het onderwerp mestverwerking. Het bleek dat een situatie die trekkracht veroorzaakt op de markt voor mineralen uit dierlijke...
Groenestein, C.M. Mosquera, J. Melse, R.W.
In dit rapport worden de resultaten van een deskstudie gepresenteerd om nieuwe BMP- en MCF-waarden voor rundvee-, varkens- en pluimveemest onder Nederlandse omstandigheden vast te stellen en te onderbouwen.
Wu, L.
Mitigation of methane production from dairy cows is critical to reduce the dairy industry’s contribution to the production of greenhouse gases. None of current used methane measurement methods are flawless and application of the methods is limited to assess the effects of methane mitigation methods under practical conditions. The main objective of ...
le Thanh, L.
The overall objective of this thesis is to study the energy efficiency, GHG emission savings, and the economic viability of biofuels as energy for transportation and to examine the impacts of biofuel policies on food production, welfare, and emission in Vietnam.
Timmerman, M.
Vonk, J. Bannink, A. van Bruggen, C. Groenestein, C.M. Huijsmans, J.F.M. van der Kolk, J.W.H. Luesink, H.H. Oude Voshaar, S.V. Sluis, S.M. Velthof, G.L.
The National Emission Model for Agriculture (NEMA) is used to calculate emissions to air from agricultural activities in the Netherlands on a national scale. Emissions of ammonia (NH3) and other N-compounds (NOx and N2O) from animal housing, manure storage, manure application and grazing are assessed using a Total Ammoniacal Nitrogen (TAN) flow mod...
Goselink, R.M.A. Sebek, L.B. Hilhorst, G.J. Evers, A.G.
In 2010 the dairy farmers of Cows & Opportunities have started working on a new project goal: gaseous emissions. To continue their role as pilot farm within the future developments in the dairy sector new goals have been added to their original goals on optimizing the nitrogen en phosphorus cycle: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ammonia. The ...
van Zanten, H.H.E.
Production of food has re-emerged at the top of the global political agenda, driven by two contemporary challenges: the challenge to produce enough nutritious food to feed a growing and more prosperous human population, and the challenge to produce this food in an environmentally sustainable way. Current levels of production of especially animal-so...
Peters, Daan Hähl, Thomas Kühner, Ann-Kathrin Cuijpers, Maarten Stomph, Tjeerd Jan van der Werf, Wopke Grass, Martin
Biofuels can be an important instrument to decarbonise the transport sector. However, the greenhouse gas performance of biofuels can be negatively impacted by Indirect land use change (ILUC) effects. In this report, Ecofys proposes two methodologies to identify and demonstrate low ILUC risk biofuel feedstock production through the application of yi...
Groen, E.A.
ABSTRACT Production of food contributes to climate change and other forms of environmental impact. Input data used in environmental impact assessment models, such as life cycle assessment (LCA) and nutrient balance (NB) analysis, may vary due to seasonal changes, geographical conditions or socio-economic factors (i.e. natural variability). Moreover...