The terrorist attack on Brazil’s capitol on January 8, 2023, showcased the country’s empowered, embittered extreme right, whose hallmarks will be familiar to students of conservatism further afield: anachronistic anticommunism; hostility to liberal democracy; a sense of embattlement, despite controlling key institutions and platforms; a tapestry of...
This article aims to discuss the education offered in Postgraduate Anthropology Programs (PPGA) via the documentary mapping of the “classics” indicated in the theoretical mandatory subjects of the master's degree. The scope of the research brought together the survey of two thousand and eighty-two titles indicated in Classics I and II at UnB over t...
n this article we highlight some responses of collective resistance by members of the National Movement of People in Situational Homelessness (MNPR) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), during the COVID-19 pandemics. In this context, this collective had to face a deep state of crisis, aggravated during the pandemic and as a result of its e...
Freixêdas, Valeria M.Moraes, Fernanda C.Costa, CiniroSuber, MartaDittmer, Kyle M.
The digitization of food systems is well underway. The digital ecosystem and its actors have increasing influence over how food is produced, what food people buy, and flows of information among farmers, supply chain actors and consumers. Efforts to transform food systems towards sustainability, including climate change resilience and mitigation, si...
/ Can governance reforms like Brazil’s get us to net-zero? One narrative present among climate change discussions is that reducing agricultural greenhouse gas, or GHG, emissions would compromise food security and the availability of food in the global south. We agree that reducing GHG emissions comes with trade-offs, but this does not mean we shoul...
Dubreuil, VincentArvor, DamienNédélec, VincentNabucet, JeanBrabant, CharlotteSilva Junior, Carlos Antonio DaVendrusculo, LaurimarBonini, IsabelleAraújo, Luis Flávio DeAmorim, Margarete Cristiane de Costa Tri...