Stigter, C.J.
This compendium first reviews regional operational applications of agrometeorology in the form of case studies of agrometeorological services and information. These services prepare farmers of different income levels for extreme weather and climate events and for the use of weather and climate “windows of opportunity” under conditions of a changing...
Schmidt, P. Lewark, S. Strange, N.
Forestry as such is an old trade; already the ancient Romans did it. Its education is less old, about two centuries. Apparently, as Lewark remarked in his introduction, in general foresters educated at universities matched the need of the forestry sector.. Only about 40 years ago, the need to know more about how good this match is and how good univ...
Verburg, R.W. Arets, E.J.M.M. Verhagen, J. Terwisscha Van Scheltinga, C.T.H.M. Ludwig, F. Schils, R.L.M. van Geene, J.
Developing countries are extremely vulnerable to climate change, due to their strong economic dependency on rain-fed agriculture. Land-use policies can offer a less vulnerable future by design and application of relevant mitigation and/or adaptation strategies. Effectiveness of such strategies depends on local conditions. Therefore, hotspot regions...
van Bodegom, A.J. Savenije, H. de Wit, M.
ETFRN news No. 50: Forests and Climate Change: adaptation and mitigation. This newsletter contains interesting materials for those who think about the question how to proceed with forests and climate change after Copenhagen, with or without an agreement. Here below are presented some observations from this newsletter: • Adaptation and mitigation ar...
Bade, T. Wensing, D. Enzerink, R. international, wageningen
Peña-Claros, M. Blommerde, S. Bongers, F.
Hoogstra, M.A.
In de 18e eeuw schreef Friedrich von Schiller (1759 - 1805), de beroemde Duitse dichter en schrijver en schoonzoon van een opperhoutvester, al over de toekomstgerichtheid van het bosbeheer (vrij vertaald): de vruchten van de stille vlijt van de bosbeheerders komen in latere generaties tot rijpheid. Maar hoe toekomstgericht is het bos- en natuurbehe...
Arets, E.J.M.M. Schütz, P. Pedroli, G.B.M.
In this report an overview of sustainability issues in Russian forestry is given, focusing on the European part of Russia and trade with the Netherlands. The present situation and developments in Russian forestry are described, taking into account the new Forest Code and increasing export tax on round wood. Trade of wood products between the Russia...
Klaver, D.C.
Good forest governance is an increasingly important topic for stakeholders in many different settings around the world. Two of the best-known international initiatives to improve forest governance are the regional Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) ministerial processes supported by the World Bank, and the European Union’s Forest Law Enfo...
Boosten, M. van Laar, J.N. Schütz, P.
Na een zeer geslaagde eerste excursie van de commissie bosgeschiedenis van de KNBV is een bezoek gebracht aan Den Treek- Henschoten, een particulier landgoed op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug met een rijke boshistorie. Het betreft de excursie van 25 september 2009. Voorafgaand aan de excursie is er een korte inleidende lezing over de historie van het landg...