Forest management certification in the tropics: an evaluation of its ecological, economical and social impacts
The overall objective of this research was to determine whether and how the institutional environment influences the establishment and performance of Community Forest Enterprises (CFEs) in Bolivia. This study defines CFEs as organizations that: (1) manage collectively owned forests in name of all community members and (2) follow forest management r...
Uncertainty is an unavoidable fact of every decision. In forestry, the problem of uncertainty is, however, exacerbated by the long time horizons involved. Rotation periods for oak and beech, for example, are up to 150-200 years. And even spruce, which is considered to be a fast-growing tree species, has rotation periods of 40-80 years before it is ...
The FLEGT process is about the EU action plan on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade. This study focuses on the Governance aspects of FLEGT and was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature ad Food Quality of The Netherlands. There is a need to gain more insight into the definitions of 'governance' which apply to the forest secto...
The dominant European forest policy objective is to create multifunctional, mixed-species and uneven-aged forests. This objective includes the nature‐oriented conversion of monospecific plantations. To reach this objective, close-to-nature silviculture is applied. This generally entails natural regeneration in canopy gaps. In the Netherlands, exper...
Keywords: natural resource conflict, conflict capability, impairment, escalation This study concerns natural resource management (NRM) conflict particularly conflict in forestry sector and how such conflict can be addressed effectively. It consists of two major parts. The first deals with the theoretical review of conflict literature. It shows how ...
This report summarizes results of studies assessing and predicting changes in forest growth and carbon sequestration in forests and forest soils in response to various scenarios with respect to changes in CO2 concentration, climate (precipitation and temperature), atmospheric deposition (N and S deposition) and forest management (forest management ...
EFISCEN is a forest resource projection model, used to gain insight into the future development of European forests. It has been used widely to study issues such as sustainable management regimes, wood production possibilities, nature oriented management, climate change impacts, natural disturbances and carbon balance issues. This report describes ...
Ecologisch gezond bos wordt door de overheid gestimuleerd via de Subsidieregeling Natuurbeheer. Uit een voorgaande studie bleek dat vooral zeldzame soorten van zeer oud, dik dood hout naar verwachting onvoldoende profiteren van deze regeling. De vraag waarop in dit rapport een antwoord wordt gezocht is, of speciale aandacht voor dik, dood hout deze...