Lohbeck, M.W.M.
Electronic abstract of the thesis for the library for the acquisitions department of Wageningen UR library (published as a html file so hyperlinks may be included) In English, one or 2 pages. Functional ecology of tropical forest recovery Currently in the tropics, the area of secondary forest exceeds that of mature forest, and the importance of sec...
Ayana, A.N.
This thesis deals with forest governance in Ethiopia. Forest governance is an important subject to study both as an emerging field of scientific analysis and as a means to understand and tackle the practical challenges facing forest resource management and conservation. Forests are one of the vital renewable resources that support the livelihoods o...
Homero Diniz, F.
Keywords: deforestation; remote sensing; mental models; stakeholders’ perceptions; agrarian reform Over the last decades, hundreds of thousands of families have settled in projects in the Brazilian Amazon within the Agrarian Reform Program (ARP) framework, the rationale being to enable settlers to earn their living by small-scale farming and produc...
Nyssen, B. den Ouden, J. Verheyen, K.
Hij is de schrik van veel bosbeheerders: de Amerikaanse vogelkers. Maar het verhaal achter de boom is verrassend. Want zijn positieve eigenschappen wegen wellicht op tegen de nadelen. Dit boek belicht alle kanten en laat zien hoe we deze boom een plek kunnen geven in het Europese bosecosysteem. In dit boek wordt een nieuw perspectief geschetst op d...
Clerkx, A.P.P.M. Didion, M.P. Hengeveld, G.M. Schelhaas, M.
Binnen het EU-FP 7-project MOTIVE is voor Nederland het studiegebied Zuidoost-Veluwe met behulp van het model LANDCLIM de bosontwikkeling gesimuleerd voor een periode van 100 jaar, waarin combinaties van drie beheer- en klimaatscenario’s zijn doorgerekend. Voor de beheerscenario’s is een voortzetting van het huidige beheer afgezet tegen een scenari...
Schwartz, G.
Forest management for timber production applied in the Brazilian Amazon follows a polycyclic silvicultural system where harvesting is done through reduced-impact logging (RIL). In this study the short- and medium-term effects of RIL on the regeneration of commercial tree species were assessed in the Tapajós National Forest, Eastern Amazon, Brazil. ...
Liang, D.
Faced with intensified ecological crisis, the Chinese government has sought policy interventions to reverse its forest degradation. Among the policy instruments is the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) that aims to transform the pattern of traditional forest management and protection and to encourage forest sustainable use by financial incentive...
Tysiachniouk, M.S.
cum laude graduation (with distinction)
Buiteveld, J.
The Dutch national report is designed to contribute to a regional and global sysnthesis of the state of forest genetic resources and in particular to examine trends over the past ten years. After a general introduction to the Dutch forest sector and the historical background of today's forests, it describes the current state of forest genetic diver...
Arts, B.J.M. van Bommel, S. Ros-Tonen, M.A.F. Verschoor, G.M.
This book aims at both academics and professionals in the field of forest-people interfaces. It takes the reader on a journey through four major themes that have emerged since the initiation of 'social forestry' in the 1970s: non-timber forest products and agroforestry; community-based natural resource management; biocultural diversity; and forest ...