Zheng, Liting Barry, Kathryn E. Guerrero-Ramírez, Nathaly R. Craven, Dylan Reich, Peter B. Verheyen, Kris Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael Eisenhauer, Nico Barsoum, Nadia Bauhus, Jürgen
Plant diversity effects on community productivity often increase over time. Whether the strengthening of diversity effects is caused by temporal shifts in species-level overyielding (i.e., higher species-level productivity in diverse communities compared with monocultures) remains unclear. Here, using data from 65 grassland and forest biodiversity ...
Decarsin, Renaud Guillemot, Joannès Le Maire, Guerric Blondeel, Haben Meredieu, Céline Achard, Emma Bonal, Damien Cochard, Hervé Corso, Déborah Delzon, Sylvain
Increasing tree diversity is considered a key management option to adapt forests to climate change. However, the effect of species diversity on a forest's ability to cope with extreme drought remains elusive. In this study, we assessed drought tolerance (xylem vulnerability to cavitation) and water stress (water potential), and combined them into a...
Doniol-Valcroze, Paul Rancilhac, Loîs Brito, José-Carlos Miralles, Aurélien Geniez, Philippe Benoit, Laure Loiseau, Anne Leblois, Raphaël Dufresnes, Christophe Crochet, Pierre-André
Uncertainties on species taxonomy and distribution are major factors hampering efficient conservation planning in the current context of biodiversity erosion, even concerning widespread and abundant species in relatively well-studied regions. Species delimitation have long been based on phylogenetic analyses of a small number of standard markers, b...
Gabriac, Quentin James, Samuel Dupont, Lise Csuzdi, Csaba Coulis, Mathieu
Les Antilles françaises font partie du " point chaud " de la biodiversité mondiale des îles de la Caraïbe. Le paysage de ces îles n'a cessé d'évoluer et de se modeler en fonction du contexte agricole. Aujourd'hui, les systèmes agricoles sont dominés par les bananeraies, les champs de canne à sucre, les pâturages et le maraîchage qui peuvent abriter...
Badouard, Vincyane Schmitt, Sylvain Salzet, Guillaume Gaquiere, Thomas Rojat, Margaux Bedeau, Caroline Brunaux, Olivier Derroire, Géraldine
Even where Reduced-Impact Logging (RIL) practices are applied, selective logging causes substantial damage to tropical forests. To further reduce selective logging damage, the practices that cause the most damage need to be identified and alternatives tested. To this end, we developed the R package LoggingLab, a spatially-explicit and individual tr...
Jenny, Christophe Sachter-Smith, Gabriel Breton, Catherine Rivallan, Ronan Jacquemoud-Collet, Jean-Pierre Dubois, Cécile Chabannes, Matthieu Ly, Ngoc-Sam Haevermans, Thomas Trieu, Tien Dung
Many species are defined in the Musa section within its natural diversification area in Southeast Asia. However, their actual number remains debated as botanical characterisation, distribution and intraspecific variability are still poorly known, compromising their preservation and their exploitation as crop wild relatives of cultivated forms. To a...
Neugarten, Rachel A. Rasolofoson, Ranaivo A. Barrett, Christopher B. Vieilledent, Ghislain Rodewald, Amanda D.
Understanding the effectiveness of conservation interventions during times of political instability is important given how much of the world's biodiversity is concentrated in politically fragile nations. Here, we investigate the effect of a political crisis on the relative performance of community managed forests versus protected areas in terms of ...
Djemiel, Christophe Terrat, Sébastien Dequiedt, Samuel Jolivet, Claudy Maron, Pierre-Alain Ranjard, Lionel
Les sols abritent des communautés vivantes d’une très grande diversité : une seule poignée de terre peut héberger des centaines d’espèces de champignons !
Ichter, Jean Rodinson, Eva Maurel, Noëlie Robert, Solène
van der Sande, Masha T. Poorter, Lourens Derroire, Géraldine do Espirito Santo, Mario Marcos Lohbeck, Madelon Müller, Sandra C. Bhaskar, Radika Van Breugel, Michiel Dupuy-Rada, Juan Manuel Durán, Sandra M.
Aim: Successional changes in functional diversity provide insights into community assembly by indicating how species are filtered into local communities based on their traits. Here, we assess successional changes in taxonomic and functional richness, evenness and redundancy along gradients of climate, soil pH and forest cover. Location: Neotropics....