Eklund, Pieta
This study aims to better understand the dynamics of negotiating professional jurisdiction within research from the perspective of academic librarians who develop library services for researchers. This qualitative case study consists of 24 semi-structured interviews, 32 recorded non-participant observations, and seven official university library do...
Eklund, Pieta
Forskningsprocesser har blivit mer komplexa och konkurrensen om forskningsmedel har ökat under de senaste decennierna, vilket öppnat för möjligheter för universitetsbibliotekarier att ta plats i forskningsprocesser. Utifrån universitetsbibliotekariers perspektiv är bland annat tillgängliggörande av elektroniska informationsresurser och databaser, s...
Sundqvist, Tyra
Denna kandidatuppsats har som syfte att undersöka hur arbetet med icke-normativ litteratur i bibliotek ser ut och hur begreppet icke-normativ litteratur tolkas av bibliotekarier mot en bakgrund av medieplanering. Detta besvarades med hjälp av de tre forskningsfrågorna: Hur arbetar bibliotekarier med icke-normativ litteratur på bibliotek och hur kan...
Ekeroth Nilsson, Oscar Grundberg, Jakob
The Royal Library of Sweden (KB), which serves as the national library in Sweden, decided in November of 2008 to start using DDC instead of SAB. For a long time, SAB was used as the main classification system in Sweden across all types of libraries. The reasons for this decision were among others that it would help swedish libraries to become more ...
Nilsson, Johanna
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to increase the knowledge of the professional discussion regarding the social role of public libraries. The empirical material consists of articles from Swedish professional library journals between 2010 and 2019. The study is designed as a discourse analysis using theoretical concepts by Ernesto Laclau and Chan...
Näsman, Sandra Tjerneld, Joel
The purpose of this study is to illustrate the emotional labor of Swedish public librarians, find examples of strategies for emotional labor that librarians use, how personal attributes like being an introvert or an extrovert might influence these strategies and find out how guidelines and management affect the emotional labor of librarians. This i...
Hahne, David Ågren, Karin
In this master's thesis, we investigate the meaning and significance of professional networking to Swedish librarians in their everyday professional practices. In addition, we explore the relationship between librarians' networking needs and the needs or expectations presented by their institutional context (i.e. the workings of their specific libr...
Rydén, Lovisa
This paper explores whether librarians have the tools to fulfil the requirements of the library law concerning patrons with ADHD and if there are any obstacles for librarians regarding this work; this is made possible by a survey sent to 38 libraries, resulting in 138 respondents. For data processing, evaluation and discussion, the study used a the...
Skalmark, Annika
The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding of Swedish academic libraries’ work relating to social media and how the libraries’ policies affect this. The study was conducted through interviews with three librarians from different universities, and reviews of their written policies. The results were analysed with the help of Evert Gummesson...
Karlsson, Malin Magnusson, Christine
The purpose of this thesis is to gain an understanding of whether or not the concepts of users’ need and quality stand in contradiction to one another when public librarians are purchasing fiction literature and if there are any differences between small and large municipalities. Through qualitative interviews we aim to identify how public libraria...