Zunino, Esteban Andrés Focás, Brenda
Corruption emerged as a public problem in Argentina during the 1990, promoted by emerging social groups that instituted it based on reporting strategies. Already in the 2000s, the issue stabilized in the media and public agendas, although linked to other actors, cases, and discourses. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the media co...
Tianru, Guan Liu, Tianyan Randong, Yuan
Among the burgeoning discussions on the argumentative styles of conspiracy theories and the related cognitive processes of their audiences, research thus far is limited in regard to developing methods and strategies that could effectively debunk conspiracy theories and reduce the harmful influences of conspiracist media exposure. The present study ...
Martínez Martínez, María del Carmen
El siglo XVI fue decisivo en la organización y reglamentación del tráfico atlántico. Castellanos, indígenas y africanos, libres y esclavos, viajaron entre la península ibérica y Nueva España. La distancia que imponía el océano se salvaba escribiendo cartas. Gobernadores, virreyes y audiencias enviaron relaciones, informes y descripciones para satis...
Zambrano, William Ricardo
The popularity of sports in general and soccer in particular has always been on the Colombian radio agenda; it has been a process of more than ninety years where different sports disciplines have been covered journalistically from innovative formats, styles, languages, narrations, and broadcasts that have impacted the audience nationally and intern...
Hernández-Sellés, Nuria
In a hyperconnected society, stories that transcend are those capable of unfolding in different formats, platforms and media, which shape and lead the narrative to conform a universe travelled by an audience that has to visit the multiple narrative wrappers to consume the story. The stories that transcend today are adapted to recipients whose consu...
Gago, María Paula Heram, Yamila
This work is part of a broader investigation that aims, on the one hand, to analyze the conditions of production of open television programs, with special attention to police cases, political discourse and the lives of celebrities, among others; media resonance; on the other, to carry out a study at reception with the purpose of investigating the p...
Marzal Felici, José Javier Soler Campillo, María López-Olano, Carlos
En l’actual context de desconfiança cap als mitjans de comunicació públics, la “participació ciutadana” constitueix una de les preocupacions més rellevants en l’agenda dels seus responsables i entre els investigadors dels mitjans, com a element clau per recuperar la seva rellevància social. Per tal d’aprofundir en el coneixement del concepte de par...
Fonseca Ribeiro, Fábio
Online comments have been a widespread feature in news media. Although audiences recognize it widely, doubts remain about the purpose of these interactive spaces. Arguably, unders-tanding how media value online comments defines a way which public debates are socially perceived. Based on The Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2019, this article a...
Espinosa Acuña, David
In 2020, fifteen years have passed since the implementation of the criminal process with an accusatory tendency in Colombia. The implementation of Law 906 of 2004 supposed a true paradigm shift, which has been adequately embraced by our society. However, it is very important to carry out a retrospective analysis in order to evaluate what has work...
Galeano Alfonso, Silvana
From Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic domination and his theory of practices, regarding the way of linking the social and the subjective aspects of Castoriadis, we address the subjective conditions involved in the processes of adhesion and rejection of media discourse with respect to the Audiovisual Communication Services Law, 26 522, sanction...