The lack of a systematic structuring of its principles is one of the greatest difficulties of the explanatory paradigm that stems from the late developments of Wittgenstein's thought. When we try to build that architectural frame, however, we need to have recourse to "molecular" positions which have an obvious fregean origin. The anti-realistic pro...
Numéro spécial coordonnée par C. Brassac " L'Assertion en débat : La description du monde dans la conversation"
Dans cet article nous avons écarté les notions d'ancien/nouveau et de présupposé/information nouvelle pour définir la focalisation. Nous avons mis l'accent, dans cette définition, sur la nécessité d'articuler assertion et focalisation. La focalisation fait porter l'assertion sur l'identification du terme focalisé, la relation prédicative étant hors...
Dans leur article, "Pour une réévaluation pragmatique de l'assertion", Manes Gallo et Vernant critiquent la description de l'assertion dans la théorie des actes de langage, essayant de montrer que cette description est inadéquate parce que basée sur un certain nombre d'hypothèses "logicistes" sur le discrours qui conduisent à la conclusion regretta...
Published in Journal of Electronic Testing
Design validation for embedded arrays remains as a challenging problem in today's microprocessor design environment. Although several methods for validating embedded arrays have been proposed, not much has been done to characterize the strengths and weaknesses of these methods. This paper provides a comprehensive study of various design validation ...
Published in The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics
This paper describes a construction from (spoken) German that will be called integrated verb second (IV2). This term refers to V2 clauses that look like relative clauses except that they must contain a weak demonstrative in initial position and have to be extraposed. Their syntactic behavior will be accounted for by a paratactic analysis. IV2 can o...
Published in Journal of Philosophical Logic
Whether assent (“acceptance”) and dissent (“rejection”) are thought of as speech acts or as propositional attitudes, the leading idea of rejectivism is that a grasp of the distinction between them is prior to our understanding of negation as a sentence operator, this operator then being explicable as applying to A to yield something assent to which...
Modern Western Armenian (henceforth MWA) has a specific form of completed past whose semantic values are similar to those which have helped found the notion of evidentiality in languages such as Turkish, Albanian, and Bulgarian. Although the facts of Armenian are comparable to those described for the above cited languages, our primary aim is to exa...
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