García-Carpintero, Manuel
Published in
Intercultural Pragmatics
We intuitively make a distinction between lying and misleading. As several philosophers have pointed out, on the account of this distinction favored here – the adverbial account, as I’ll call it – it provides evidence on the theoretical notion of what is said and the related theoretical distinction between semantics and pragmatics. For, on that acc...
Reboul, Anne
Published in
Frontiers in Communication
Linguistic communication is geared toward the exchange of information, i.e., changing the addressee's world views. In other words, persuasion is the goal of speakers and the force of the speaker's commitment as indicated in the utterance is an important factor in persuasion. Other things being equal, the stronger the speaker's commitment, the easie...
Engel, Pascal
The hypothesis put forward in this essay is that bullshitting is in large part responsiblefor, and perhaps at the core of, what we call post-truth. Bullshitting is essentiallythe attitude of ignoring the norms of assertion. The consequences of the widespreadcharacter of this attitude can explain why contempt for truth and knowledge are sowidespread...
Engel, Pascal
On essaie ici de defendre l’idée que la production de foutaise est responsable en grande partie, et peut être centrale pour ce que nous appelons la post-vérité. La production de foutaise est basée sur l’attitude qui consiste à ignorer les normes de l‘assertion. Les conséquences de l’extension de cette attitude peuvent expliquer le défiance et le mé...
Tantucci, Vittorio Di Cristofaro, Matteo
Published in
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
This study is centred on the pre-emptive dimension of interactional exchanges. Dialogues are not merely characterised by information transmission, they are also constantly informed by pre-emptive attempts to address potential reactions to what is being said. We argue that pre-emptive interaction intersects with intersubjectivity (i.a. Traugott, Eli...
Evangeli, Michael Collins, Jodie
Published in
AIDS care
Living with HIV presents challenges to wellbeing and managing one's own and others' health. Sharing an HIV positive diagnosis can increase social support and antiretroviral adherence and reduce onward HIV transmission. However, HIV disclosure anxiety is common with concerns about partner responses. There is limited research on whether the way HIV i...
Calba, Sarah Birgé, Robin
Que signifient l’apparition récente de l’expression fake news dans notre langage courant et son omniprésence dans les discours médiatiques ? Si les fake news ne semblent pas nous « informer » de l’état du monde, de ce qui est ou existe véritablement (elles sont d’ailleurs qualifiées en français de « fausses informations »), elles pourraient nous di...
Katsuki, Ryoko Inoue, Ayako Indias, Sílvia Kurahara, Keita Kuwano, Nobuki Funatsu, Fumika Kubo, Hiroaki Kanba, Shigenobu Kato, Takahiro A.
Published in
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Hikikomori, a form of severe social withdrawal more than 6 months, has increasingly become a crucial issue especially among adolescents. Loneliness, avoidant personality, Japanese culture-related attachment style (“amae”), and difficulty in expressing emotions are suggested to be related to hikikomori. However, deeper psychological aspects have not...
Kindermann, Dirk
Published in
Inquiry (Oslo, Norway)
The received picture of linguistic communication understands communication as the transmission of information from speaker's head to hearer's head. This picture is in conflict with the attractive Lewisian view of belief as self-location, which is motivated by de se attitudes – first-personal attitudes about oneself – as well as attitudes about subj...
Wagemans, Jean H. M.
This paper provides a theoretical rationale for distinguishing four basic argument forms. On the basis of a survey of classical and contemporary definitions of argument, a set of assumptions is formulated regarding the linguistic and pragmatic aspects of arguments. It is demonstrated how these assumptions yield four different argument forms: (1) fi...