Sartori, Manuel
D’après la grammaire arabe, un fa‑ doit apparaître entre la protase (p) et l’apodose (q) d’un système hypothétique en ʾin dès lors que l’apodose ne saurait être protase, c’est‑à‑dire dès lors que l’apodose n’a pas la forme faʿala (accompli neutre du point de vue du temps) ou yafʿal(inaccompli apocopé). Sa présence ne relève toutefois pas que d’une ...
Kürbis, Nils
In bilateral logic formulas are signed by + and –, indicating the speech acts assertion and denial. I argue that making an assumption is also speech act. Speech acts cannot be embedded within other speech acts. Hence we cannot make sense of the notion of making an assumption in bilateral logic. Attempts to solve this problem are considered and reje...
Sartori, Manuel
Le fāʾ des systèmes hypothétiques en in de l'arabe classique * Critères de prédiction des valeurs sémantiques de fāʾ Résumé Dans les systèmes hypothétiques arabes apparaît très souvent un fa-entre la protase et l'apodose. Selon la grammaire arabe classique, formée sur un corpus préclassique et pour le seul opérateur in des systèmes hypothétiques, l...
Forero Mora, José Andrés
This text aims to clarify what and what kind of commitments are acquired by a speaker in assertion; assertive commitments are characterized as practical attitudes directly related to reasons. The text has three moments: in the first one, the development of the idea of assertion as a speech act is presented and it becomes evident that from its first...
Tissari, Heli
EDITOR: Jörg Meibauer
TITLE: The Oxford Handbook of Lying
SERIES TITLE: Oxford Handbooks
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780192863379
YEAR: 2022
Bonke, Max Repp, Sophie
Published in
The Linguistic Review
Gapping in embedded environments may occur in two configurations: (i) the whole coordination containing both conjuncts is embedded (= embedded gapping, EG), (ii) the second (i.e. elliptical) clause is embedded within its own conjunct (= single conjunct embedded gapping, SCEG). Languages seem to differ in their restrictions on these two structures: ...
Labinaz, Paolo
Published in
Intercultural Pragmatics
This paper aims to show, in the light of an Austin-inspired speech-act theoretical framework, that there is a fundamental difference in the absurdity that occurs when one utters either the belief or the knowledge version of Moorean sentences (whose linguistic form amounts to “p, but I don’t believe/know that p”) and that this difference lies in the...
Mounier, Pascale
La comparaison participe à l’élaboration des types de texte en s’adaptant aux contraintes formelles des genres et aux principes de la production des discours, qui évoluent dans le temps. Elle joue en l’occurrence plusieurs rôles dans l’élaboration des séquences narratives de Philandre, un roman de chevalerie composé par Jean des Gouttes et publié e...
Klein, Wolfgang
Published in
Theoretical Linguistics
Counterfactuals such as If the world did not exist, we would not notice it have been a challenge for philosophers and linguists since antiquity. There is no generally accepted semantic analysis. The prevalent view, developed in varying forms by Robert Stalnaker, David Lewis, and others, enriches the idea of strict implication by the idea of a “mini...
Kneer, Markus
Published in
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
The recent controversy about misinformation has moved a question into the focus of the public eye that has occupied philosophers for decades: Under what conditions is it appropriate to assert a certain claim? When asserting a claim that x , must one know that x ? Must x be true? Might it be normatively acceptable to assert whatever one believes? In...