Gilardi, Pilar
En este artículo se aborda la pregunta por la verdad histórica entendida en términos de comprensión y sentido, lo cual supone un deslinde respecto de la interpretación tradicional de la verdad como adecuación. El pensamiento heideggeriano, concebido como fenomenología hermenéutica, supone el desplazamiento de la cuestión de la verdad y de la histor...
Mills, Jon
Published in
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
What exactly do we mean by truth? Although the concept is nebulous across the array of theoretical perspectives in psychoanalysis, it is fundamental to all discourses. Is psychoanalysis in a position to offer a theory of truth despite the fact that at present it has no explicit, formal theory regarding the matter? A general metatheory is proposed h...
Kalan, Valentin
Felizi, Natasha Furlan
The article proposes reading Os Lusíadas as a discovery journey. Discovery here read as aletheia or “revelation”, as proposed by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen in 1980. Using Martin Heidegger’s notion of aletheia in the book Parmenides along with Jorge de Sena and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen reflections on Camões, I’ll seek to point out alt...
Santiesteban Oliva, Héctor
En los éxtasis místicos hay una suspensión sensorial e intelectual al contemplar el absoluto, el ser ontológico. El silencio no sólo es significativo: es revelador. La mayor expresión de la experiencia es el silencio interior. La palabra resulta insuficiente cuando la realidad óntica es revelada. Revelación o verdad, el concepto griego de aletheia,...
Sokołowska, Katarzyna
Published in
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia
In Lord Jim Marlow functions not only as a narrator who spins the yarn about the morally problematic case of the young sailor, but also as an interpreter who struggles to register impressions as faithfully as possible thus translating the visual into the discursive. Marlow’s double function establishes the novel as a text about the search to unders...
Larsson, Linus
The Rights of Nature movement is a quickly growing global phenomenon. However, it is not always obvious what the movement really means. What is its underlying experience? How can its transformative depth be formulated? What is the meaning of this depth? Starting from the ‘Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth’ this essay seeks to eluc...
Turoldo, Fabrizio
Published in
Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics : CQ : the international journal of healthcare ethics committees
There are many authors who consider the so-called "moral nose" a valid epistemological tool in the field of morality. The expression was used by George Orwell, following in Friedrich Nietzsche's footsteps and was very clearly described by Leo Tolstoy. It has also been employed by authors such as Elisabeth Anscombe, Bernard Williams, Noam Chomsky, S...