Implicaciones económicas en la producción de nuevas variedades de arroz en América Latina
The status of CIAT bean technology development is analyzed and technology transfer activities in the crop in Latin America are indicated. Each phase in the development of technology that will allow major bean yield increases is discussed, namely the identification of production constraints, germplasm collection and evaluation, cv. improvement using...
In October 1985, 16 farmers of Carmen de Viboral, located in eastern Antioquia, Colombia, were interviewed for their crop preferences and willingness to change bean variety. The variety Cargamanto was the most preferred because of its high yield, better market share, and higher price compared with other varieties, even though it is slightly suscept...
Forty-four surveys were conducted on farmers growing the bean variety BAT 1297 in the department of Caldas, Colombia, and on prices in Mercaldas in the city of Manizales. This variety was found to very profitable when planted in association with coffee (both with and without agrochemicals) or with cassava, and in monoculture. Most farmers (76 perce...
Results of a survey of 159 farmers in southern Costa Rica indicate that the new bean varieties Talamanca and Brunca are widely adopted. This report analyzes the factors determining their success. The role played by seed availability is considered. Farmers evaluated these varieties in terms of yield, plant architecture, and disease tolerance. Adopti...