Ngaiwi, Mary E. Meliko, Majory O. Molua, Ernest L. Nchanji, Eileen Vanegas, Martha Amahnui, George Sylvester, Janelle Castro-Nunez, Augusto
Sustainable agrifood systems have the potential to significantly impact the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Cameroon. However, there is a gender disparity in the adoption of these technologies due to various sociocultural norms and gender dynamics. In 2020, 351 southern and eastern Cameroonian farming households were surveyed. Gender roles, d...
Reymondin, Louis Vantalon, Thibaud Luong, Phuong Mai, Nguyen
Chavarro, Mónica Juliana Melo, William Felipe Pulleman, Mirjam M.
In Colombia, cocoa has positioned as a production system that stimulates territorial development processes in areas affected by violence, where a presence of illegal economies exists. It is a crop that enables productive reconversion by offering medium and long-term economic alternatives for farming family’s livelihoods. In this context, the challe...
Pérez Marulanda, Lisset Castro-Nuñez, Augusto Carlos
The objective of this document is to identify the determinants of the joint adoption of sustainable practices in the cocoa production systems To achieve the stated objective, this document uses information from 922 household surveys conducted in both departments and presents different types of analysis such as descriptive statistics multivariate an...
Rietveld, Anne
‘Achieving impact’ is what motivates many researchers working in and with the CGIAR. And so, we develop innovations that have the potential to contribute to development outcomes such as food security or climate adaptation. Once successfully tested and perhaps adopted on a small scale, such innovations need to go ‘to scale’ to achieve the desired im...
Junca Paredes, Jhon J. Flórez, Fernando Enciso, Karen Hernández, Luis Miguel Triana Ángel, Natalia Burkart, Stefan
Díaz, Manuel Francisco Enciso, Karen Triana Ángel, Natalia Sandoval, Danny Burkart, Stefan
Los Pagos por Servicios Ambientales (PSA) se han convertido en una estrategia útil para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático en Latinoamérica: al tiempo que contribuyen en la restauración y conservación del medio ambiente, favorecen el desarrollo social y productivo. Sin embargo, su implementación resulta desafiante dadas las característ...
Kihara, Job Maguta Kinyua, Michael
Mbili-Mbili ni mkakati wa kilimo mseto cha nafaka na mikunde unaohusisha upandaji wa mazao matatu yenye ukuaji na mpangilio tofauti shambani. Tekinolojia hii ilitengenezwa kwa mfumo wa utafiti wa Afrika katika uimarishaji maendeleo endelevu kwa kizazi kijacho. Mradi wa Africa RISING umelenga kuwasaidia wakulima wadogowadogo kuondokana na njaa, uhab...
Triana Ángel, Natalia Campuzano, Lorena Burkart, Stefan
The Colombian cattle sector on the one hand contributes to the rural economy and producer welfare but on the other hand is one of the main contributors to climate change and environmental degradation. Given this panorama, the sector is currently under transformation towards more sustainability, including both climate change mitigation and adaptatio...
Triana Ángel, Natalia Campuzano, Lorena Burkart, Stefan
Since the 1960s, but more intensely since the 1980s, the factors affecting agricultural innovation adoption in the so-called developing world have puzzled scholars and development institutions. Although early studies recognised that adoption is affected not only by the promise of economic profitability but also by other attributes of the innovation...