Caviedes Thomas, Gabriela Sofía
This article seeks to address the intellectual crossover between the contemporary French thinkers Michel Foucault and Raymond Aron, concerning their respective views on history and truth. Both hold a view of history that departs from the Hegelian perspective. Instead, they emphasize, each in his own system of thought, the intra-historical character...
López, Loreto Fernández Droguett, Roberto Piper Shafir, Isabel
This article focuses on the intersection between the field of study of collective memories with the field of social movements and political action that takes place in the context of various current activisms and social conflicts. In order to account for how the relationship between memory, social movements and activism is approached, a review of ac...
Briceño Linares, Ybelice
This article is the outcome of an ongoing research project that examines the emer-gence, development, and characteristics of the feminist and women’s movement in Guayaquil, Ecuador. It begins by exploring the movement’s internal composition, its political discourse, and the strategies it has employed to foster forms of articulation. Additionally, i...
Gálvez Galisteo, Juan
Due to the significant development and progress achieved in the field of media and social networks we can say that we are in a situation of „digital panopticon“. Technological tools allow both the dissemination of information and opinion quickly and easily to citizens, however, electronic support does not seem to be successful for an enriching deli...
Leal Granobles, Yuliana
The aim of this paper is to analyze Arendt’s reflections on civil disobedience. According to Arendt, this type of action cannot be confused with conscientious objection. In the specific context of the American Republic, civil disobedience is a collective action that it is compatible with the spirit of the constitutional laws, due to the citizens ca...
Neri López, José Manuel
Resumen Este ensayo se pregunta si existe en la producción intelectual, literaria y política de Georges Bataille una subversión del mal entendido como deseo viril por la soberanía y el poder. Para ello, se aborda la conceptualización que Bataille hizo sobre la virilidad en tres momentos distintivos de su obra. El primero es durante su militancia en...
Zúñiga Elizalde, Mercedes
Resumen: El artículo reflexiona sobre la acción política que algunas mujeres emprendieron en la arena pública durante la posrevolución sonorense, al involucrarse y tomar postura en los distintos conflictos que agitaron al estado en ese periodo. Interesa examinar las demandas que enarbolaron, los contextos en los que gestaron sus organizaciones y la...
Cenizo, Mabel
Boluntariotza eraldaketa politiko eta komunitariorako eragile dela eta beren agendan egon behar duela ulertzea da entitate solidarioen erronka. Asko giza indargune handi horretatik sortuak dira, baina urteen joanean gizatasun hori ahulduz joan da, eta entitate horiek ez dira beren ahulaldiari aurre egiteko antolatu. Boluntariotza eragile gisa sartu...
Zúñiga Elizalde, Mercedes
El artículo reflexiona sobre la acción política que algunas mujeres emprendieron en la arena pública durante la posrevolución sonorense, al involucrarse y tomar postura en los distintos conflictos que agitaron al estado en ese periodo. Interesa examinar las demandas que enarbolaron, los contextos en los que gestaron sus organizaciones y las alianza...
Neri López, José Manuel
Thisessay asks if there is in the intellectual, literary and political production of Georges Bataille a subversion of evil as the virile desire for sovereignty and power. To answer this, it approaches the conceptualization that Bataille did on virility in three distinctive moments of his oeuvre. The first one is during his militancy in the movement...