Izydorczyk, Jacek
The article presents the issue of one of the war crimes, i.e. perfidy (during a war). In contrast the so-called deception (during a war) which is legal – the crime of perfidy is morally unacceptable and legally prohibited at the level of national and international regulations. This is exemplified based on three cases of perfidy during World War II....
Ušić, Eric
This dissertation presents a visual-ethnographic research of political graffiti created during World War II and the immediate postwar period in Istria, in present-day Croatia, by antifascist, communist and pro-Yugoslav organizations and activists. The main goal of the dissertation is twofold: first, the aim is to examine the historical, socio-polit...
Dumont, Gérard-François
Comprendre la situation de guerre en Ukraine depuis 2014 suppose d’abord de préciser sept paramètres géopolitiques essentiels des populations de ce pays. Les facteurs explicatifs du passage d’un conflit sécessionniste à l’élargissement de la guerre à la suite de l’invasion de la Russie sont ensuite étudiés. Les composantes démographiques, élément e...
Mikowski, Sylvie
This paper summarises the fate of novelist Francis Stuart, who was initially close to the Celtic Revival, married Iseult Gonne and enrolled in the IRA in the Irish Civil War. After he reached some literary fame in the 1930s, in 1939 he was invited to give lectures in Germany and then to record radio programs meant to broadcast Nazi propaganda to ne...
varriale, roberta
What can be the contribution of oral history to the interpretation of tangible cultural assets? Starting from this conceptual question, this article focuses on the case study of the experiences Second World War in Naples bomb shelters, recently included within the Underground Built Heritage (UBH) class. The hypothesis of the research is that bomb s...
Drath, Joanna Machalski, Grzegorz Holicki, Mariusz Dowejko, Joanna Szargut, Maria Spradley, Kate Parafiniuk, Mirosław Ossowski, Andrzej
Published in
Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society
In the early days of World War II, many of the prominent and influential people of Polish nationality from the Free City of Danzig were arrested by the Germans and sent to the nearby concentration camp KL Stutthof. Nearly a hundred of them died within the next seven months upon their arrival, and were buried in a clandestine mass grave in a nearby ...
Može, Damjan
Med drugo svetovno vojno so se Združene države soočile z logističnim izzivom pri oskrbovanju svojih enot na zahodni fronti. Po izkrcanju in preboju iz Normandije sta se pojavili dve možni strategiji napredovanja, in sicer strategija "široke" in "ozke" fronte. Strategija "široke" fronte se je nanašala na več hkratnih ofenziv, kar bi zahtevale obsežn...
Levant, Marie Valbousquet, Nina
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’histoire de l’humanitaire connaît un essor remarquable. Pourtant la dimension religieuse de ce champ d’études reste encore à explorer, particulièrement dans le cas de l’Église catholique. L’ouverture récente des archives du Vatican pour le pontificat de Pie XII (1939-1958) offre de nouvelles sources pour aborder cet...
Levant, Marie Valbousquet, Nina
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’histoire de l’humanitaire connaît un essor remarquable. Pourtant la dimension religieuse de ce champ d’études reste encore à explorer, particulièrement dans le cas de l’Église catholique. L’ouverture récente des archives du Vatican pour le pontificat de Pie XII (1939-1958) offre de nouvelles sources pour aborder cet...
Gousseff, Catherine
: В статье представлены результаты исследования массовых перемещений представителейэтнических меньшинств (немцев, поляков, украинцев, евреев) в 1939-1947-х годах в контексте измененияграниц Польского государства. Автор подробно рассматривает политические предпосылки,исторические этапы, организационные формы и специфические особенности серии обменов...