Linder, W.Maydell, A. vonBerning, A.Bergmann, G.Beeck, H.General Electric Plastics BV, Bergen op ...Meyer, J.Leonhardt, R.Bogenschuetz, P.Weinert, V.
SIGLE / Available from TIB Hannover: F96B129 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibliothek / DE / Germany
Linder, W.Maydell, A. vonBerning, A.Bergmann, G.Beeck, H.General Electric Plastics BV, Bergen op ...Meyer, J.Leonhardt, R.Bogenschuetz, P.Weinert, V.
Open-cast mining in North Hessen (Borken region) caused tertiary sediments to be dumped on the surface. The overburden is characterized by high pyrite and marcasite concentrations and a low nutrient content. Acration of the material causes oxidation of the pyrite and, in consequence, acidification of the substrate. In these extremely poor soils, re...
A copper, tin, nickel, chromium plating plant of an electroplating shop was designed so as to considerably reduce the waste and waste-water quantities. The waste-water quantity was diminished by approximately 95%, the sludge-quantity by approximately 75%. This was achieved by the following techniques: Optimization of rinsing technique, consequent f...
Gallenkemper, B.Doedens, H.Stegmann, R. (eds.)fachhochschule, muenster
Mit dem Thema ''Umsetzung neuer Abfallwirtschaftskonzepte'' befasst sich diese Tagung mit einem Instrument, das von der Landesregierung 1988 zur Weiterentwicklung und zum Ausbau der kommunalen Abfallwirtschaft eingefuehrt worden ist. In diesen Konzepten habe die Kreise und kreisfreien Staedte die Massnahmen festzulegen, die von ihnen zur Vermeidung...