Abscheidung von Aerosolen mit strukturierten Packungen
The present work deals with possibilities to comply with the standards given by the ordinance on biological waste treatment facilities (30. BImSchV). A main focus thereby was done on the environmental impact of the waste gas cleaning system called non catalytic (regenerative) thermal oxidation (RTO). As a result of the new environmental standards t...
Aerosols are a suspension of solid or liquid particles in gas. The size of particles ranges from about 0.001 #mu#m to 100 #mu#m. The concentration of aerosol varies from 10"2 1/cm"3 to 10"9 1/cm"3. Before industrialisation aerosols came from natural sources, for example, salt particles from ocean spray or smog from volcanic eruption. But nowadays a...
Apart from the classic microbiological methods, other methods are available which are less costly and time-consuming and which are suited for a preliminary assessment of the potential hazard in the context of screening tests. These methods were investigated, and new measuring parameters were developed which can be used for assessing the potential h...
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Biotest-geleitete chemische Analytik entwickelt, die einen Hefetest fuer oestrogene Aktivitaet mit LC-MS-Detektion kombiniert, die einer Fluessig-Extraktion und Fraktionierung mit Gelpermeations-Chromatographie folgen. Fokussiert auf Klaeranlagen-Abwaesser, zielt der Ansatz darauf ab, solche Substanzen z...
It has been researched if it is possible to obtain compost from the year-round delivered waste. This was the purpose in Germany for developing a system to control the amount of oxygen in compost material which was tested under the prevailing climate conditions. For this test, eight windrows were used (30 x 6 x 2,5) with a main aeration pipe accompa...