Johnston, W
Published in
BT Technology Journal
Building a 3G network is like building a PC — just because you buy the fastest elements, it does not mean that you get the most efficient PC. It is important to integrate and optimise all the elements correctly in order to achieve the best performance. The 3G network is the same — each element of the solution is important. This paper focuses on one...
Chamorro Koc, Marianella Popovic, Vesna Emmison, Michael
This paper reports on an ongoing empirical study that explores context of use and user’s experience as relevant issues for the design of product usability. Its experimental approach focuses on investigating the nature of the differences between the designers’ and the users’ concept formulation about everyday artefacts in regard to their context of ...
Adams, J. L. Roberts, L. G. IJsselmuiden, A.
Published in
BT Technology Journal
Adding quality of service (QoS) to the Internet raises a number of issues as to why we would want it, as well as how we would do it, and whether we could subtly change the user experience compared to, say, public switched telephone service voice. Much of QoS work today is focused on improving the service over the access pipe between the end user to...
Becker, M Drew, M
Published in
BT Technology Journal
This paper sets out to share BT's leadership and experience by determining the identity management opportunities and issues, then document the lessons learnt in previous deployments and recommend strategies for all types and sizes of organisation. Today's ICT environment has created a mixed approach to access management across sectors. Browser-base...
Chamorro-Koc, Marianella Popovic, Vesna Emmison, Michael
To address the question on how to enhance the design of user-artefact interaction at the initial stages of the design process, this study focuses on exploring the differences between designers and users in regard to their concepts of an artefact usage. It also considers that human experience determines people’s knowledge and concepts of the artefac...
Vyas, Dhaval van der Veer, Gerrit
As the current computing systems move from desktop and work settings into our everyday lives (e.g. mobile and ubiquitous systems) a growing interest is seen for designing interactive systems with experiential support. Some conceptual work already exists that tries to analyze and understand users? experience with interactive systems but in practice ...
Lee, Ki-Dong Leung, Victor C. M.
Published in
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Because of the random nature of user mobility, the channel gain of each user in a cellular network changes over time causing the signal-to-interference ratio (SNR) of the user to fluctuate continuously. Ongoing connections may experience outage events during periods of low SNR. As the outage ratio depends on the SNR statistics and the number of con...
Collingridge, R. Matthews, I. Clarke, P.
Published in
BT Technology Journal
With the recent proliferation of on-line communications and collaboration services and the growing numbers and types of users, it is the whole customer experience and the quality of the user interfaces that is now being seen as the main differentiating factor by many product and service manufacturers. In this paper we provide an overview of some of...
Park, Ji Yong
Usability is often regarded by the designer as a functionality test or a mechanic focused test. It seems to the designer that the usability may neglect or ignore aesthetic and visual aspects of web site design. This paper argues the limitations of traditional usability testing from the designer’s point of view by using the concept of user experienc...
Ebbesson, Esbjörn Grönberg, Tobias
Studiens syfte var att undersöka möjligheterna att använda intervjutekniken Repertory Grid Technique (RGT) som utvärderingsteknik för att utvärdera User Experience (UX) på distans. Detta gjordes genom att de föreställningar som en handledarstödd utvärdering resulterade i jämfördes med det resultat som uppnåddes genom en webbaserad variant av samma ...