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with Urdu Medium as keyword
Nazar, Nazia Österman, Karin Björkqvist, Kaj
Published in
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
The aim of the study was to investigate associations between acceptance of violence and victimisation from physical punishment by teachers, self-esteem, and psychological concomitants among students from three school systems in Pakistan. A questionnaire was completed by 550 girls, and 550 boys. The mean age for girls was 13.3 years, and for boys 14...
Kottacheruvu, Nagendra
This study looked at how well digital games helped undergraduate students at the Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad, Telangana State, India, expand their English vocabulary. Most students indeed own cell phones, laptops, and desktop computers due to the growth of technology and their lower cost. It is common knowledge that mos...
Kottacheruvu, Nagendra
Several countries around the world use English as their official language. Individuals with sufficient language proficiency would have a wide range of work opportunities to improve their lives. They can also travel anywhere in the world and profit from the English information that is available online. In this study, undergraduate MANUU students who...