Alonso, Kátia Morosov Silva, Danilo Garcia da Silveira, Maria Cristina da Strobel, Mabel Moreira
O trabalho tem por objetivo discutir aproximações entre os pensamentos de Maturana e Varela (2001) sobre sistemas autopoiéticos em diálogo com Lévy (2010), trazendo à cena as denominadas Tecnologias da Inteligência. Nesta perspectiva, pretende-se fomentar uma conversação entre conceitos propostos pelos autores, de modo que seja relevada compreensão...
Pedro, Ketilin Mayra
Early students and/or with gifted behavior (PCD) are part of the target audience of Special Education. These, as well as other students considered digital natives, spend most of the time connected to the internet, through Digital Information and Comunication Technologies (TDIC). Front of the progress of TDIC we can not ignore that the students of t...
Pedro, Ketilin Mayra
Early students and/or with gifted behavior (PCD) are part of the target audience of Special Education. These, as well as other students considered digital natives, spend most of the time connected to the internet, through Digital Information and Comunication Technologies (TDIC). Front of the progress of TDIC we can not ignore that the students of t...
Pedro, Ketilin Mayra
Early students and/or with gifted behavior (PCD) are part of the target audience of Special Education. These, as well as other students considered digital natives, spend most of the time connected to the internet, through Digital Information and Comunication Technologies (TDIC). Front of the progress of TDIC we can not ignore that the students of t...
Pedro, Ketilin Mayra
Estudantes precoces e/ou com comportamento dotado (PCD) fazem parte do público-alvo da Educação Especial. Estes, assim como os demais estudantes considerados nativos digitais, passam a maior parte do tempo conectados à internet, por meio das Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDIC). Frente ao progresso das TDIC não podemos ignorar qu...
Pedro, Ketilin Mayra
Early students and/or with gifted behavior (PCD) are part of the target audience of Special Education. These, as well as other students considered digital natives, spend most of the time connected to the internet, through Digital Information and Comunication Technologies (TDIC). Front of the progress of TDIC we can not ignore that the students of t...
Caversan, Rodolfo Henrique de Mello
Esta pesquisa consiste no desenvolvimento de um site com recursos multimidiáticos e planos de aula baseadas na metodologia híbrida a serem utilizados como instrumentos para o ensino dos fenômenos ondulatórios. Os conteúdos textuais que compõem o site App Fenômenos Ondulatórios – MNPEF foram desenvolvidos exclusivamente para esta pesquisa, de forma ...
Caversan, Rodolfo Henrique de Mello
Esta pesquisa consiste no desenvolvimento de um site com recursos multimidiáticos e planos de aula baseadas na metodologia híbrida a serem utilizados como instrumentos para o ensino dos fenômenos ondulatórios. Os conteúdos textuais que compõem o site App Fenômenos Ondulatórios – MNPEF foram desenvolvidos exclusivamente para esta pesquisa, de forma ...
Portes, Suzana Aparecida
This research has emerged on the recognition that we live in a technological age and children who come to school, the so-called digital natives, have great familiarity with the technologies that translates into ease-of-use of Digital information and Communication Technologies (TDIC). According to the National Program technology education (ProInfo) ...
Portes, Suzana Aparecida
This research has emerged on the recognition that we live in a technological age and children who come to school, the so-called digital natives, have great familiarity with the technologies that translates into ease-of-use of Digital information and Communication Technologies (TDIC). According to the National Program technology education (ProInfo) ...