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with Tecnología social as keyword
Caride Gómez, José Antonio
La teoría es una mirada al mundo. Una forma-entre otras-de regresar a la razón y de instalarse en ella para afrontar los retos del conocimiento y de la acción social. Nada o muy poco de lo que somos y hacemos le resulta ajeno, siendo especialmente significativo el papel que cabe atribuirle en la fundamentación epistemológica de los procesos que tom...
May, Rosaura Gutiérrez Valerio de Angel Méric, Olivier Gérard Ramírez Sánchez, Alina Souza, Eluzinete Pereira de Campaña, Eduardo
Eleven social bonding groups were conducted with a total of 136 participants of which 79 (56.4%) were women and 57 (40.7%) were men. Without exception, both genders reported positive experiences; furthermore, 42.3% of them express that the social bonding group space is a setting where common issues can be resolved and where personal growth can be e...
Silva, Neide Emy Kurokawa e Paro, César Augusto Silva, Miriam Ventura da
Os pressupostos da Terapia Comunitária identificam-se com os da tecnologia social, cujos horizontes democráticos visam atender a demandas sociais, com construção dialógica e coletiva de conhecimentos e de proposição de soluções, sendo sustentável e apropriada pelos beneficiários. Visando apreender como são exploradas as pretensões emancipatórias de...
de Castro dos Santos, Illy Aline Lima Melo, Isabella de Sousa Dickie, Isadora Burmeister Bonfim, Luís Américo Silva
This paper presents an experience report on curricularization of extension in the Graphic Design course at Federal University of Sergipe through the application of the active learning methodology named learning by project, which resulted in the development of packaging for Casa da Queijada, store that produces and sells queijadinha, an intangible h...
Cacopardo, Fernando
The problem of water availability in popular neighborhoods is part of a broader issue of the struggles for urbanization in contexts of poverty in Latin America. This experience of research and development in two blocks of the Fray Luis Beltrán (Las Dalias) neighborhood in the city of Mar del Plata is an eloquent testimony of collaborative and cross...