Energie Innovativ 2004 - Technologien und Maerkte Kongressband
Market positioning and customer management gain in importance. A deregulated power generation rates an high place and promotes the utilization of renewable energy sources. New chances of competition are realized for the electric power industry. So in this congress the main topics were most advanced developments in the sector of power generation and...
An aerodynamic prediction method for turbomachinery flows is extended to an aeroelastic simulation system. The aerodynamic method is first adapted to allow the prediction of flow unsteadiness caused by vibrating blade rows. A fluid-structure coupling module, including a modal model for the structural dynamics, is then incorporated to enable the dir...
During the last decade, combined-cycle power stations gained ground as an economically efficient and environment-friendly thermal process. With increasing optimization, efficiencies of more than 60 percent are expected for the near future. The focus is on the gas turbine as it is providing base load power as well as peak load power. Fossil fuels ar...