Gibart, Jules Piet-Lahanier, Hélène Farago, François Galeotta, Marco
Liquid propelled rocket engines (LPRE) are highly non-linear systems that require complex stability analysis and regulation. Most often, this is performed by linearizing in the neighborhood of a functioning point which makes it difficult to account for changes of points e.g. for reusable launchers. In this paper the objective is to propose a non li...
Garnier, Josette Meybeck, Michel Ayrault, Sophie Billen, Gilles Blanchoud, Hélène Carre, Catherine Flipo, Nicolas Gasperi, Johnny Lestel, Laurence de Marsily, Ghislain
The Seine River and its basin (70 000 km2, 500 m3/s mean annual discharge) are studied since 1989 by an interdisciplinary research programme ( The river receives the effluents of about 17 M inhab (70% from Paris conurbation) and from industries. Intensive agriculture using agrochemicals is another cause of water quality...
Bolon, Baptiste Pretot, Charlie Clanet, Christophe Larrarte, Frédérique
Sport physics 21, Lyon, FRANCE, 06-/12/2021 - 08/12/2021
Gramaglia, Marco Fiore, Marco Furno, Angelo Stanica, Razvan
International audience
Datasets of mobile phone trajectories collected by network operators offer an unprecedented opportunity to discover new knowledge from the activity of large populations of millions. However, publishing such trajectories also raises significant privacy concerns, as they contain personal data in the form of individual movement patterns. Privacy risks...
Chen, Ruiwei Leclercq, Ludovic Ameli, Mostafa
This work investigates network-related trajectory features to unravel trips that contribute most to system under-performance. When such trips are identified, feature analysis also permits determining the best alternatives in terms of routes to bring the system to its optimum. First, we define a combination of network-related trajectory features tha...
KHALIS, Mohamed DOSSUS, Laure RINALDI, Sabina BIESSY, Carine MOSKAL, Aurélie CHARAKA, Hafida FORT, Emmanuel HIS, Mathilde MELLAS, Nawfel NEJJARI, Chakib
BACKGROUND: There is convincing evidence demonstrating that body size characteristics such as adiposity and height are associated with breast cancer in westernized countries. However, little is known about this relationship in North African countries currently undergoing nutritional transition and industrialization. The aim of this study was to exp...
Khalis, Mohamed Dossus, Laure Rinaldi, Sabina Biessy, Carine Moskal, Aurélie Charaka, Hafida Fort, Emmanuel His, Mathilde Mellas, Nawfel Nejjari, Chakib
BACKGROUND: There is convincing evidence demonstrating that body size characteristics such as adiposity and height are associated with breast cancer in westernized countries. However, little is known about this relationship in North African countries currently undergoing nutritional transition and industrialization. The aim of this study was to exp...
LORINO, Tristan VANDANJON, Pierre Olivier PRUAL, Jean Marie COIRET, Alex
La Métropole Rouen Normandie souhaitait concevoir une nouvelle passerelle nécessitant des appuis provisoires en Seine. Aussi a-t-elle sollicité l'Ifsttar pour conduire une étude statistique des données de trajectoires, afin de définir les fuseaux de mobilité des navires en fonction notamment de leur vitesse et de leur gabarit, deux facteurs suscept...
basora, luis olive, xavier dubot, thomas
Anomaly detection is an active area of research with numerous methods and applications. This survey reviews the state-of-the-art of data-driven anomaly detection techniques and their application to the aviation domain. After a brief introduction to the main traditional data-driven methods for anomaly detection, we review the recent advances in the ...