Lilliesköld, Joakim Taxén, Lars
This paper addresses the problems that arise in the coordination of complex system development projects. The empirical setting is based on studies at Ericsson and ABB, and the total project manager’s instrument to manage and coordinate these projects. ABB used what they called dependency diagrams. Ericsson developed a method they call the anatomy c...
Runardotter, Mari Mörtberg, Christina
Godkänd; 2004; Bibliografisk uppgift: A 5th Framework Programme Research Project funded by the European Commission. HPSE – CT – 2002 – 00136; 20080911 (mar_run)
Gustafsson, Anders Karlsson, Håkan
Nordström, Malin
I föredraget problematiseras förvaltningsobjekt, relationen mellan dessa och dess styrning. Abstract: Förvaltning har beskrivits som ett resursslukande råtthål, enligt forskaren Ned Chapin. Mycket har hänt sedan dess. Alltfler intresserar sig för att skapa styrbarhet i förvaltningen genom att förvalta objekt, innehållande både verksamhet och lT. M...
Holst, Marita
This report is a compilation of ten interviews made with people active in three new Arenas at Luleå University of Technology. The report is intended for the International Evaluation Group connected to the strategic work at the University of Technology in Luleå (LTU). The collected data will be used in a future licentiate thesis. In this report howe...
Runardotter, Mari
This paper discusses the strategy of gender mainstreaming which is adopted by the European Union and the Swedish Government in order to increase gender equality in the entire society. Gender mainstreaming and its goal - gender equality - are not easily understood. In this paper I will discuss different interpretations of the concept gender mainstre...
Yinru, Chen Åström, Mats Wang, Li-hong
In applying command sequence matching to detect masquerading attack, the first important step is to build a user's profile for characterizing normal behavior. In this paper, we proposed a new approach which applies the comparison of arbitrary length of sessions to distinguish users. In this approach, a session is regarded as an integral comparison ...
Edzen, Svante Holst, Marita Sandström, Annica
As part of the evaluation of ”The Creative University” a questionnaire was sent out to all employees of Luleå University of Technology, during May 2002. The three PhD students who are connected to the evaluation prepared the questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire was to gain answers to questions posed about three main areas: The employees ...
Somerville, Mary M. Mirijamdotter, Anita
Dynamic and even turbulent environmental conditions, driven by rapid technological change, aggravating financial uncertainty, and escalating community expectations, fuel widespread recognition that libraries must reinvent organizational processes, procedures, and services. Typically, however, workplace systems, structures, designs, practices, and ...
Holgersson, Stefan
Denna avhandling visar att arbetsprestationen varierar i hög grad mellan olika närpoliser/ordningspoliser. Det blir tydligt när man studerar antalet utfärdade rapporter, likväl om man t.ex. jämför polismännens sätt att bemöta människor och i vilken utsträckning polismännen bedriver problemorienterat polisarbete. Jag har funnit att polispersonalens ...