Taxén, Lars
In this paper, a strategy for organisational knowledge evolution is presented. Organisational knowledge is defined as knowledge concerning the management of the artefacts provided by the organisation. The strategy is derived from a theoretical, action-oriented representation of knowledge and uses concrete instruments for iterating between reflectio...
Eriksson, Darek M.
The media provides frequent reports about organisations - both public and business - in crisis. These must re-organise themselves, often requiring the dismissal of employees in order to adapt to the emerging internal or external conditions. If they do not adapt, they do not survive. In order to help the adaptation process, science has developed sev...
Cronholm, Stefan Ågerfalk, Pär J.
System development methods are often used as aids during the development of information systems. This paper examines the concept of method and other related notions in order to achieve a better understanding of their meaning and structure. The motivation for this paper is the emerging flora of different and related concepts and thus a need to sort ...
Flycht-Eriksson (Silvervarg), Annika
Dialogue systems utilise a variety of knowledge sources and models. However, there is a confusion concerning the purposes and contributions of specific models and the relationships among them. In this paper we present a study of different dialogue systems and the knowledge sources and models they use. The models are characterised in terms of what k...
Ekinge, Roland Lennartsson, Bengt Taxén, Lars
This paper presents conclusions from longitudinal case studies on the industrial development of complex systems. The approach is to investigate whether the traditional document based development model can be replaced by on model built upon shared understanding in teams. The need for and use of supporting tools are also discussed
Cederling, Ulf Ekinge, Roland Lennartsson, Bengt Taxén, Lars Wedlund, Tommy
Traditionally in industrial system development, the total project is decomposed into phases. The result from one phase, normally a document or a system component, is passed to the phase(s) to follow. The deliverables from the "phases" are often prescribed in standards or corporate guidelines. This metaphor, where understanding is packaged into docu...
Lind, Mikael
I samband med systemutveckling och annat förändringarbete finns det behov av att göra en verksamhetsanalys för att utveckla kunskap om nuvarande och framtida verksamhet. Verksamheter är komplexa och ofta svåröverblickbara företeelser. För att hantera problemet med att skapa överblick bygger flera ansatser för verksamhetsanalys på Langefors teori om...
Minnhagen-Alvsten, Monika Mannerheim, Johan
De senaste årtiondenas snabba utveckling av informations-och kommunikationsteknologin har påverkat hela vårt samhälle dramatiskt. Den förändrarockså allt mer kulturarvsinstitutionernas sätt att arbeta och möta sin publik. Kanske tänker man mest på förändringar i administrativa rutiner och arbetssätt och på möjligheterna att göra samlingarna mer til...
Samuelsson, Sören
Arbetet grundar sig i ett intresse för mikrovärldar, informationssystem och informationsteknologi i kombination med min erfarenhet av flera undervisnings- och lärandemiljöer. Min nyfikenhet på hur spel kan stödja lärandeprocesser på ett bra sätt har bidragit till en fokusering på affärsspel. Affärsspel fungerar som ett verktyg för träning av beslut...
Taxén, Lars
In this contribution we present a theoretical approach which has been utilized to inform the coordination of the development of complex systems. Coordination is regarded a form of human activity in which individual and social aspects as well as technical ones need to be considered. We analyze human activity from an interaction point of view in whic...