Schwalt Chan, Charles
In 2024, widespread usage of generative AI affects ComDev practitioners in their day-today jobs and have far-reaching implications for our societies. This thesis aims to (1) discover if humanitarians communicate about GenAI ethically and responsibly, (2) examine the existing power dynamics in shaping the discourses, and (3) determine if AI ethical ...
Petersson, Eleonora
Syfte: Faktorer som påverkade medarbetares välbefinnande kopplat till övergången till en mer digital arbetsform belyses av undersökningen. Detta är viktigt för att förstå mekanismen för välbefinnande hos anställda i samband med förändringar i arbetsform. Detta i sin tur skulle kunna främja ett mer trivsamt arbetsliv samt proaktivt motverka framtida...
Persson, Johan
This study investigates the performance differences between REST and GraphQL, focusing on their efficiency in data fetching within different network environments, specifically in terms of WiFi and 4G mobile networks. As microservices and API architectures have evolved, REST has become a standard. However, GraphQL is a promising and interesting alte...
Nicol, Christopher Kostis, Angelos Lidström, Johan Holmström, Jonny
Digital platforms are arguably instrumental for the Circular Economy (CE), yet they frequently fail to deliver. An increasingly popular strategy for developing digital platforms is corporate incubation, where corporations invest in startups. Prior research has nonetheless paid scant attention to the role of corporate incubation in the evolution of ...
Andersson, Linus Brauns, Gilda
Recently, our society has experienced a huge transformative mark that has reshaped andreformed everything from organizational operations to the global economic systems. Thismark is called Generative AI. This thesis explores the development of an in-house AI chatbotin a Swedish public sector organization, which is intended to work as an automating a...
Rosenqvist, Philip
E-handelns roll får konstant en ökad roll genom hur kunden kan konsumera och köpa produkter på internet. Därmed är det viktigt att produkten och visualiseringen av produkten görs på ett sätt som ger kunden en bättre upplevelse (Jens & Gabriel, 2015). 3D-rendering ger en mer ”nuvarande-het” mellan kunden och produkten som presenteras i jämförelse me...
Babu, Bincy
Defect detection in sealing processes is so necessary for guaranteeing product quality and safety across several industries. Traditional defect detection techniques frequently rely on subjective and manual inspection methods that leads to limitations in accuracy and efficiency. This project focusses mainly on these challenges by developing an autom...
Nguyen, Cuong
Quality inspection in manufacturing, particularly in the automotive industry, is of paramount importance due to its direct impact on safety, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Traditional inspection methods can be time-consuming and less adaptable to the rapid production cycles of modern manufacturing, leading to bottlenecks and inefficiencies...
Johansson, Kevin Nordlund, Sofia Gillblad, Agnes
Effective onboarding is essential for integrating new employees into an organization. The structure has shown to be important for the integration and retention of workers. This study aims to examine how gamification can enhance motivation and improve digital onboarding processes to give insight into whether companies should consider integrating gam...
Sahrén, Pernilla
Spelbranschen har genomgått en övergång från engångskostnader för spel till en modell med gratisspel där mikrotransaktioner blivit spelföretagens inkomstkälla. Denna förändring har ökat tillgängligheten för spelare men även väckt en oro för potentiella skador hos dessa, särskilt med likheter på hur loot boxes kan länkas till hasardspel och spelbero...