Användartester på Karlstads kommuns e-tjänster / User tests on Karlstad municipality’s e-services
Denna studie ger en insikt i Stockholms stads IT-kluster. Genom kvantitativ metod undersöktes hur området uppfyllde de tre krafterna inom agglomerationsekonomier, samt åsikter kring krafternas betydelser. Studien ämnade att särskilja IT-kluster från andra typer av kluster genom dessa krafter. Urvalet bestod av 98 respondenter som tillhörde IT-bolag...
Generativ AI har blivit ett essentiellt verktyg för företag i den snabbt digitaliserade världen, särskiltinom försvarsindustrin som ständigt behöver anamma ny teknik för att bibehålla sin konkurrenskraft.Trots dess potential präglas branschen av konservatism och kontroll, vilket gör det väsentligt att skapaen inblick i hur det mänskliga perspektive...
This article discusses the key existential stakes of implementing biometrics in human lifeworlds. In this pursuit, we offer a problematization and reinvention of central values often taken for granted within the "ethical turn" of AI development and discourse, such as autonomy, agency, privacy and integrity, as we revisit basic questions about what ...
Academic procrastination is a common problem and the desire to reduce it is highly expressed by college students. Smartphone-based persuasive applications provide students with easily accessible intervention strategies. Apps that applied gamification elements received wide popularity. However, the use of gamification has been questioned and critici...
Purpose – The paper aims to evaluate the Digital Government Collaborative Platform (DGCP), which facilitates collaborations between the citizens and the government to address environmental issues in Sri Lanka. The DGCP is an artifact developed by the value-sensitive design (VSD) approach. Design/methodology/approach – The DGCP is evaluated followin...
In 2024, widespread usage of generative AI affects ComDev practitioners in their day-today jobs and have far-reaching implications for our societies. This thesis aims to (1) discover if humanitarians communicate about GenAI ethically and responsibly, (2) examine the existing power dynamics in shaping the discourses, and (3) determine if AI ethical ...
Syfte: Faktorer som påverkade medarbetares välbefinnande kopplat till övergången till en mer digital arbetsform belyses av undersökningen. Detta är viktigt för att förstå mekanismen för välbefinnande hos anställda i samband med förändringar i arbetsform. Detta i sin tur skulle kunna främja ett mer trivsamt arbetsliv samt proaktivt motverka framtida...
For a while now, media producers have had to adapt to all the different aspects of digitalization. Much of the development has led to new opportunities in optimization, it would however be naive to ignore the challenges and hardships it has brought along as well. For media producers, not least filmmakers, a new challenge has risen following the ris...
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) getting prominent in complimenting organisations' cybersecurity armoury. Many proposed standards and shared intelligence platforms are closely related to the organisations that can be able to afford the potentially required skills and the investment to orchestrate the intelligence prioritisation process. Despite its ...