Huang, Xiaolin Dan, Yang
Somatic and sympathetic tones fluctuate together seamlessly across daily behaviors. In this issue of Cell, Zhang et al. describe populations of spinal projecting neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla (rVMM) that harmonize somatic motor function and sympathetic activation. The coordinated regulation plays a vital role in supporting behaviors a...
Edwards, Melise M Nguyen, Ha K Dodson, Andrew D Herbertson, Adam J Wolden-Hanson, Tami Wietecha, Tomasz A Honeycutt, Mackenzie K Slattery, Jared D O’Brien, Kevin D Graham, James L
Previous studies indicate that CNS administration of oxytocin (OT) reduces body weight in high fat diet-induced obese (DIO) rodents by reducing food intake and increasing energy expenditure (EE). We recently demonstrated that hindbrain (fourth ventricular [4V]) administration of OT elicits weight loss and elevates interscapular brown adipose tissue...
Montaner, Mireia Denom, Jessica Simon, Vincent Jiang, Wanqing Holt, Marie K Brierley, Daniel I Rouch, Claude Foppen, Ewout Kassis, Nadim Jarriault, David
Acknowledgements: We thank Dr Serge Luquet, Giuseppe Gangarossa, Nicolas Thiebaud and Claire Martin for their advice and helpful discussions. The help of Zahra Boudra is also acknowledged. We thank the technical platform Functional and Physiological Exploration platform (FPE) of the Université Paris CIté (BFA-UMR 8251), the animal core facility Buf...
Patel, Sanil Sparman, Njeri ZR Arneson, Douglas Alvarsson, Alexandra Santos, Luís C Duesman, Samuel J Centonze, Alessia Hathaway, Ephraim Ahn, In Sook Diamante, Graciel
Sympathetic activation during cold exposure increases adipocyte thermogenesis via the expression of mitochondrial protein uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1)1. The propensity of adipocytes to express UCP1 is under a critical influence of the adipose microenvironment and varies between sexes and among various fat depots2-7. Here we report that mammary gland...
Rahal, Danny Alkon, Abbey Shirtcliff, Elizabeth Gonzales, Nancy Fuligni, Andrew Eskenazi, Brenda Deardorff, Julianna
We investigated whether parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) responses to social-evaluative threat at age 14 were related to the number of substances used between ages 14 and 16 among Mexican-origin adolescents (N = 243; 70.4% had never used substances by 14). Participants completed the Trier Social Stress Test, while cardiac measur...
Senturk, Gokhan
All living organisms have the innate need to interact with their environment in order to ensure their survival and reproductive success. Among vertebrates, the somatomotor system plays a critical role in responding to environmental challenges and opportunities by coordinating the movements of the body through the activation of its primary effector ...
Babenko, Viktoriya
Unlike males, naturally menstruating females undergo a distinct hormonal monthly cycle, in which hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) sex hormones undergo drastic concentration changes across a single menstrual cycle. Furthermore, major regions of the brain are packed with receptors for both HPG and stress hormones. For these reasons, both HPG and ...
Kim, Wi Jin Dacey, Michael Samarage, Hashitha Milan Zarrin, David Goel, Keshav Chan, Christopher Qi, Xin Wang, Anthony C Shivkumar, Kalyanam Ardell, Jeffrey
IntroductionCerebral vasospasm is a complex disease resulting in reversible narrowing of blood vessels, stroke, and poor patient outcomes. Sympathetic perivascular nerve fibers originate from the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) to innervate the cerebral vasculature, with activation resulting in vasoconstriction. Sympathetic pathways are thought to...
Alen, Nicholas V Shields, Grant S Nemer, Adele D'Souza, Indira A Ohlgart, Marcela J Hostinar, Camelia E
Parental socialization may influence the development of children's autonomic nervous system (ANS), a key stress-response system. However, to date no quantitative synthesis of the literature linking parenting and child ANS physiology has been conducted. To address this gap, we conducted a pre-registered meta-analysis. A systematic review of the lite...
Doménech-García, Víctor Peirotén, Alberto Rubio Imaz, Miren Lecea Palsson, Thorvaldur Skuli Herrero, Pablo Bellosta-López, Pablo
Published in
The Korean journal of pain
Widespread pain partially depends upon sensitization of central pain mechanisms. However, mechanisms controlling pain distribution are not completely known. The present study sought to assess skin temperature variations in the area of experimentally-induced pain and potential sex differences. Pressure-pain thresholds (PPTs) were measured on the rig...