Kuntz, Tatiele Gisch Werle, Caroline Cristiane
Care for the environment plays a fundamental role in preserving the quality of life, as the environmental problems resulting from urban sprawl, as well as high levels of consumption and disposal, are sources of global concern and challenge society and public power. In view of this reality, the present article aims to verify whether the strengthenin...
van Zeben, Josephine
Local governments play important roles in the lives of European citizens by providing social services and acting as democratic focal points. These roles are increasingly shaped by European laws and policies, for example through the award of Regional Development Funds and the development of EU Urban Agenda. Member States consider the legal form and ...
Cañellas Mas, Antonio
El Centro Europeo de Documentación e Información (CEDI) en Francia desarrolló una intensa labor en la formación de un ideario compartido por las distintas secciones nacionales en el que despuntaría el concepto de la «Europa de las patrias». Los integrantes de la delegación francesa, adscritos en su mayoría al movimiento político liderado por De Gau...
Kotlán, Pavel
Published in
DANUBE: Law and Economics Review
This paper deals with the definition of (substantive) subsidiarity of criminal repression and the possibility of its application to the criminal liability of legal persons. After defining the liability of legal persons in the relevant legal regulations, the paper presents an interpretation of subsidiarity in Section 12(2) of the Criminal Code that ...
Terruso, Filippo
Published in
European View
Regional and local authorities already promote their own policies and actions in the international arena for humanitarian, political, commercial, cultural and institutional reasons. From cross-border to decentralised cooperation, under the concept of City diplomacy, local authorities often move independently and actively, both in the international ...
Joyeux, Arthur
La thèse est le résultat d’une recherche menée en sciences du langage : lexicologie, sémantique lexicale et analyse du discours. Elle s’appuie sur les sources primaires du droit de l’Union, les sources doctrinales de la Doctrine Sociale de l’Eglise et des corpus de textes doctrinaux (juridiques allemands), ainsi que sur une relecture de sources phi...
Cremers, Martijn
Published in
Journal of Business Ethics
This reflection focuses on what insights Catholic Social Teaching (CST) can provide for corporate governance. I argue that the ‘standard’ agency theory is overly reductionist and insufficiently incorporates important economic limitations (such as asymmetric information, incomplete contracts, and the need for coordination) as well as human frailty. ...
Ayala, Joey Bautista, Pauline Pajaro, Marivic Raquino, Mark Watts, Paul
Published in
International Review of Education
The Philippines is an archipelago of more than 7,100 islands, with a population of over 100 million people dependent upon marine resources which are characterised by a decline in both biodiversity and abundance. The resultant large sector of fisherfolk is generally impoverished with limited education, which makes coastal adult education and lifelon...
Waters, Timothy William
Existeix una forta animositat envers el concepte de ‘secessió’, que en general es veu com una violació dels valors d’integració defensats per la Unió Europea. Aquest sentiment és un error, com pretén demostrar aquest assaig. I ho fa de dues maneres: en primer lloc, defensant que la secessió s’ha d’entendre com un acte de subsidiarietat, i que com a...