Fraterno, Marlène Schneider, Anne
Les réécritures de Notre Dame de Paris sous la forme de bandes dessinées sont foisonnantes. À partir d’un corpus composé de cinq bandes dessinées exposées sur le parvis de Notre-Dame de Paris et quatre bandes dessinées pour enfants et adolescents, nous analyserons les visées didactiques de ces supports et les représentations qui sont faites des cat...
Clemot, Hugo
Chapter 9 of Television With Stanley Cavell In Mind, edited by David LaRocca and Sandra Laugier, University of Exeter Press, 2023, p. 173-190.Can season 1 of the Fargo series provoke philosophical astonishment? In other words, can it raise a suspicion that there may be more going on in the world than meets the eye? And are the things that are reall...
Kim, Gwang Hyun
This dissertation explores the profound role of the trombone (in German: Posaune) as a musical embodiment of the presence of God, or Coram Deo, and discusses its contribution to the aesthetics of the sublime in compositions by Ludwig van Beethoven. The first chapter examines the Drei Equali WoO 30, Beethoven’s only work for trombones by themselves....
Werner, Christian
This paper investigates how Euripides, in Iphigenia in Tauris, uses an aesthetic affection that, in Greek, from the oldest surviving testimonies, was mainly identified by the term thauma and which encompasses what is conceived as “admiration”, “astonishment” and “wonder”. Starting from the treatment of the structure of this affection in PseudoLongi...
Aubry, Guillaume
« Le soleil nʼa de spectateur que quand il sʼéclipse » écrit Sénèque dans ses Questions naturelles*. Le coucher de soleil est un spectacle du monde. Un spectacle qui se répète quotidiennement. Le spectacle par lequel le monde lui-même se répète quotidiennement, et pour lʼéternité. S’il est omni-présent dans la création artistique, il semble parallè...
During, Elie
International audience
Ferrié, Léna
Le temps s’accélère et se densifie dans les sociétés industrielles contemporaines en constituant un régime d’urgence généralisée érigée en « système » (Aubert) qui se propage et « s’immisce partout » (Bouton). Ce phénomène tend vers un point de basculement, de saturation se traduisant physiquement dans les paysages. L’urgence environnementale appel...
Gallagher, Shaun
Published in
Continental Philosophy Review
In this paper I examine a set of exceptional aesthetic experiences that remove us from our pragmatic everyday life and involve a specific type of unaffordability. I then extend this notion of unaffordability to experiences of awe and its relation to the sublime. My analysis is guided by considerations of the phenomenologically inspired enactivist a...
Haviland, Vendela
The following work investigates the nature of the aesthetic experience of the abstract expressionist paintings of Mark Rothko. I suggest that the aesthetic experience in relation to his paintings best is understood in terms of the sublime. To support my position, I discuss the impact of abstraction in comparison to figuration in art on our aestheti...
Silva, Reginaldo Oliveira
In the Critique of practical reason, Kant develops the foundation of moral law in its objective and subjective aspects. After claiming that it is plausible to postulate the determination of will only through pure reason, it was necessary for the philosopher to demonstrate how it becomes conscious and acceptable to the moral agent. In this step, he ...