Compte-rendu de Sandra Laugier, Recommencer la philosophie. La philosophie américaine aujourd'hui / Review of Sandra Lau...
peer reviewed
peer reviewed
Published in Studies in Philosophy and Education
This paper discusses Stanley Cavell's approach to the Investigations,focusing upon his essay – `Notes and Afterthoughts on the Opening ofWittgenstein's Investigations'. First, the paper investigates the waysin which Cavell makes central the figure and `voice' of the child to hisreading of the opening of the Investigations. Second, it argues thatCav...
Sánchez Salas, D. (2001). Amor, matrimonio e identidad. La madriguera. (43):94-94. / 94 / 94 / 43
International audience
AMIENS-BU Lettres (800212104) / Sudoc / LYON-ENS LSH (693872305) / Sudoc / POITIERS-BU Droit Lettres (861942101) / Sudoc / LYON-BIU-LSH (693872101) / Sudoc / Sudoc / France / FR
International audience
Resumen El presente artículo analiza el problema del autoconocimiento desde dos posturas antagonistas: el dualismo cartesiano y el conductismo lógico. ¿Acaso el autoconocimiento es infalible como pensaba Descartes? ¿O bien, el autoconoci-miento sólo es posible desde la perspectiva de la tercera persona? El objetivo del autor es mostrar que el probl...
Dans le cadre de Cité-Philo, en présence de Stanley Cavell (10e semaines européennes de la philosophie), auditorium du Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, novembre
Many contemporary positions in epistemology share the idea that a subject can acquire knowledge only in virtue of belonging to a form of life that is more fundamental than her knowledge. This is a reading of Wittgenstein that Stanley Cavell has propounded in exemplary form. Against it, I argue that life-form-theories rest on a dogma that Wittgenste...